Texas SAR Presidents

Thanks to the contributed research of Compatriot John Greer, there is a wealth of information that can be presented about the Texas SAR Past Presidents.  Click on any name in red to see the general data about that president.  Additional links will be available at the bottom of the general data for possibly a picture, SAR bio, obituary, death certificate, and/or a link to their Find-A-Grave page, depending on what is available.  You can return to viewing this page by clicking anywhere outside the information box, clicking the X at the top right of the information box, or by pressing your Esc key.

Graphics such as obituaries and death certificates are too large to be presented in the information box, so they are presented as independent graphics without the constraint of a web page.  When viewing these documents, press your browser's Back button to return to this page.

If you have missing information on any Past President that you have found to be present for others or you think that a correction needs to be made, please contact Compatriot with your information and request.  He will be the clearinghouse for any information presented here.


* Denotes Deceased
^ Denotes Grave is Marked

1896-1902 Hon. Ira H. Evans *^
1903-1904 Col. L. J. Polk *
1905 Col. I. M. Standifer *
1906-1907 George T. Jester *^
1908-1909 William F. Beers *
1910 Gen. J. R. Waties *
1911-1912 William G. Bell *
1913-1917 Edward F. Harris *
1918-1922 C. B. Dorchester *^
1923 John C. Harris *
1924-1927 Samuel P. Cochran *
1928-1929 Robert W. Humphreys *
1930 Edwin L. Porch *
1931 Edward M. Polk *^
1932 T. D. Hobart *
1933 F. F. Downs *
1934 Charles J. Maxwell *
1935 Dr. Valin R. Woodward *^
1936 Albert Calhoun McDavid *
1937 Judge Joe Ingraham *
1938 Tom T. Connally *
1939 Sully B. Roberdeau *
1940 Horace Philetos Eller *^
1941 Benjamin H. Powell, III *^
1942 Benton Carter Collins *^
1943 James Finney Dabney *
1944 John M. Spellman *
1945-1946 Robert W. Thompson *
1946-1947 Charles E. Gilbert, Jr. *
1947-1948 A. Frank Hamm *
1948-1949 Edgar E. Townes *
1949-1950 Homer E. Carrico *
1950 Robert G. Waggener *
1950-1951 Arthur P. Van Horn *
1951-1952 Clifford B. Jones *
  Earle D. Behrends *
1952-1953 Earle D. Behrends *
1953-1954 John B. Victery *
1954-1955 Col. F. W. Huntington *
1955-1956 Charles H. Lane *
1956-1957 Col. P. A. Heisig, Jr. *
  William M. C. Cecil *
1957-1958 Francis Gilmer Harmon *
1958-1959 Col. Roye A. Mulholland *
1959-1960 Col. J. Huntington Hills *
1960-1961 Robert L. Sonfield, Sr. *
1961-1962 Chalmers W. Hutchison *
1962-1963 Judge Joe M. Hill, Sr. *
1963-1964 Louis L. Casten *
1964-1965 Walter G. Sterling *
1965-1966 Christopher Larkin *
1966-1967 Joseph B. Latimer *
1967-1968 Benjamin D. Baldwin *
1968-1969 LTC R. S. D. Lockwood *
1969-1970 Col. Turner R. Sharp *
1970-1971 Col. Thomas T. Currie, Sr. *
1971-1972 BG Graber Kidwell *^
1972-1973 Oliver B. Chamberlin *
1973-1974 Col. Karl E. Wallace, Sr. *
1974-1975 George P. Red *
1975-1976 Col. Joe M. Hill, Jr. *^
1976-1977 William T. Barron *
1977-1978 MG Louis J. Rummagi *
1978-1979 Richard Lane Denham *
1979-1980 Alfred Henry Benjamin *
1980-1981 Dan B. Meadows, III, DVM
1981-1982 LTC Kenneth E. Ingram *
1982-1983 Clovis H. Brakebill *
1983-1984 Robert C. Tumey, Sr.
1984-1985 Dr. George H. Brandau *
1985-1986 William R. Eddleman *
1986-1987 Dr. Robert L. Kurth *^
1987-1988 LTG John M. Wright, Jr. *
1988-1989 Charles B. Morgan *
1989-1990 Billy E. Hightower *
1990-1991 David H. Peterson *^
1991-1992 Col. E. Graham Martin, Jr. *
1992-1993 T. David Yeilding *
1993-1994 Col. Delbert M. Fowler *
1994-1995 Dr. William N. Floyd, Jr.
1995-1996 C. R. Harrington *
1996-1997 Ross L. Shipman *
1997-1998 B. Rice Aston *
1998-1999 Robert W. Coker *^
1999-2000 Frank A. Gibson *
2000-2001 Richard F. Arnold *
2001-2002 Nathan E. White, Jr.
2002-2003 James G. Robertson *^
2003-2004 Richard L. Robinett *^
2004-2005 W. Roy Adams, Jr. *
2005-2006 James E. Heath * 
2006-2007 Thomas B. Green, III *
2007-2008 George T. West *
2008-2009 Harry M. Fife, Jr. *
2009-2010 Tom Lawrence
2010-2011 James T. Jones Jr.
2011-2012 William M. Marrs *
2012-2013 Robert M. Clark Jr.
2013-2014 Stephen W. Rohrbough
2014-2015 Robert S. Cohen
2015-2016 Larry G. Stevens
2016-2017 Michael J. Radcliff
2017-2018 John C. Beard
2018-2019 Thomas I. Jackson
2019-2020 David J. Temple
2020-2022 Drake M. Peddie
2022-2023 James M. Kuykendall
2023-2024 Samuel P. Massey, Jr


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