Texas SAR Presidents
Thanks to the contributed research of Compatriot John Greer, there is a wealth of information that can be presented about the Texas SAR Past Presidents. Click on any name in red to see the general data about that president. Additional links will be available at the bottom of the general data for possibly a picture, SAR bio, obituary, death certificate, and/or a link to their Find-A-Grave page, depending on what is available. You can return to viewing this page by clicking anywhere outside the information box, clicking the X at the top right of the information box, or by pressing your Esc key.
Graphics such as obituaries and death certificates are too large to be presented in the information box, so they are presented as independent graphics without the constraint of a web page. When viewing these documents, press your browser's Back button to return to this page.
If you have missing information on any Past President that you have found to be present for others or you think that a correction needs to be made, please contact Compatriot with your information and request. He will be the clearinghouse for any information presented here.
* Denotes Deceased
^ Denotes Grave is Marked