Frequently Asked Questions


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Texas SAR

At this time, the Texas Society consists of 47 separate chapters around the state, organized into 11 geographical Districts.  Each District has a District Vice President.  Texas SAR is managed by a Board of Managers, elected on an annual basis with roles and responsibilities defined in our Constitution and Bylaws.  Our current reported membership is approximately 3,300 members.

There are two state meetings held each year.  The annual state conference is held in the late March / early April time frame.  It is rotated each year between three areas: Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Austin-San Antonio.  The second is a smaller Board of Managers (BOM) held in early October each year and moves around to other areas of the state with no pattern.

Yes, the Texas Society uses the Dada Mail system for bulk mails.  These can ONLY be sent by the State Communications Secretary who sends all the emails, manages the various lists, and maintains the system.  If you need to send something out, please contact him.

You can make donations to any number of selectable recipient programs on the Dues and Donations Payments page.  You can either include the donations you wish to make when you pay your annual dues or you can go in to this page at any time and simply bypass the chapter selection area (to keep from paying dues again) and enter amounts in the areas you wish to contribute to.

All participating Texas SAR members (Compatriots) shall only interact with YCAE Participants when other adults (i.e., teachers, parents, other compatriots, or volunteers) are present in the room or at the location of the event.  Texas SAR members should never be alone with a minor under any circumstances.

When it is necessary to coordinate certain YCAE (i.e. Oration Contest, Poste Contest), then the Compatriot coordinating the YCAE shall include the YCAE Participant’s parent and at least one other Compatriot in all communications.  E-mail shall be the preferred method of coordination of YCAE as opposed to telephone, text, or social media.  It is very desirable that a parent be copied on these emails as well.  The purpose of this policy is to protect our Compatriots and YCAE Participants and reduce their potential risk of compromising situations.

The NSSAR has provided an excellent 15 minute presentation on this subjust that is well worth viewing.  The link to it can be found on our Member Training page on the Private Site or on the National Website.  The Texas Society highly recommends that our members, particularly state/chapter officers and committee chairman, take the time to take the training and maintain their certificate upon completion.  Texas SAR will not maintain records for you.

It is concerning to everyone that our society has been torn apart by recent events concerning historical statues.  Some citizens desire to remove vestiges of the past that make them or others uncomfortable or are reminders of blemishes to our shared history.  Other citizens are proud of the great, yet imperfect country where we live and the steps it has taken from its infancy to the current age.  Those citizens are willing to consider the nuance of individuals during the period in which they lived, the societal norms of which they had no control, and the steps they took to further this great experiment that we call the United States of America.

No human is perfect.  No institution, government, or country conceived of by man is perfect.  It is, however, the great strides and efforts, which are contrasted against this imperfection, that we should celebrate.  However imperfect the United States of America is, it is the freedom granted to us from our forefathers that makes it the greatest nation on earth.  Whether a statue or memorial is erected or removed is absolutely within the purview of individual politicians elected to guide the specific local, state, or national governments where that memorial is located.  It is entirely outside the purpose, the goals or the authority of the SAR and the Texas Society to attempt to affect such efforts.

Certainly our members, as citizens themselves, have the right to make their opinions known and vote accordingly.  As an organization, however, the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution will NOT currently take a position on this issue.  Like it or not, it is a highly political subject nowadays and not something we should be talking about at the state or chapter levels.  Taking a side puts our 501C status at risk and risks alienating some members around the country who may take the opposing political view.  What our members do or do not talk about outside of the SAR is 100% up to them, but NOT under the SAR umbrella at this time.

Leadership is a group of meetings held in Louisville KY each Spring & Fall where compatriots & their spouses nationwide gather for committee meetings, trustee meetings, and banquets.

Yes, any member in good standing can register & attend.  However, for a member to join a committee the member must be proposed/approved by the member’s state president.



Meeting frequency will vary from one chapter to the next.  Some of the bigger and busier chapters meet once a month year-round.  Some of the smaller chapters meet quarterly.  It is best to check on the individual chapter websites to see when and where they meet.

We like to see 15 currect and active SAR members, with a list of proposed officers and a set of bylaws/constitution.  Once these requirements are met, the proposed chapter can apply to the state society for a new chapter charter.  Then it will be reported to NSSAR.

That is not an option.  All members of the Texas Society must be a member of at least one chapter as their primary chapter.

First, we have 47 chapters in Texas SAR and over 3,400 dues statements that get mailed out every Fall to those members.  All SAR dues are due back to Texas SAR no later than December 31 of that same year.  That gives our members well over two months to either mail the payment back in to Texas SAR or pay online by PayPal.  Sadly, only about 75% renew by the deadline.

We do have a grace period that extends out till the end of January.  At that time, we have to reconcile our membership list and submit our final state roster of members paid to NSSAR.  This happens in mid to late February.  Those that have not paid by that date are not on the list and are dropped by NSSAR.  From this point forward, after we have reconciled our books as indicated in the early Spring with NSSAR, chapters will be paid based on this exact same roster.  That way chapter payments initially are lined up with what we reported to NSSAR.

In reality, 150-200 more members will pay their dues over the next 6-7 months up until the Aug 31 cut-off.  At that time, we reconcile our books again with NSSAR to prepare our dues statements for the next year.  Once that second reconciliation has been completed, chapters will be paid a second time based on payments received and processed between the two reconciliations.  This may not be how it was done in the past, but how it will be moving forward as it represents a huge time and cost savings and greatly simplifies the reconciliation process between chapters and Texas SAR. Bottom line, the more members your chapter is able to get marked as paid by the end of January, the more money yuor chapter gets with the Spring payment.



In this case, you are almost ready to go.  Gather up your record copies of your brother, sister, father, or mother who is the direct descendant and contact the registrar for your local chapter to get started.

In this case there is still work to be done, but by all means do not let that discourage you.  Our chapter registrars can offer a lot of guidance and shortcuts to get things documented and moving very quickly.  No two situations are the same and the work to be done varies depending on the situation.  But please contact the Registrar of the chapter closest to you to get the process started.

A lot of variables go in to this answer.  How much documentation you have to start with is the key factor.  Once everything is completed, organized and submitted, it typically takes 6-8 weeks at most.  Depending on the time of year, it could be much quicker.



Pick the new chapter that you want to join and contact the chapter secretary or president.  While there is no reinstatement fee, you would be responsible for NSSAR, Texas SAR, and local chapter dues.  Also, there is a mandatory NSSSAR form to be completed to get you back in the SAR.  This form is available on the NSSAR website or your new chapter can help you get it.  This form, with the appropriate fee in check form, should be Submitted to the Texas State Secretary and he will complete the process.

Pick the new chapter that you want to join and contact the chapter secretary or president.  While there is no reinstatement fee, you would be responsible for NSSAR, Texas SAR, and local chapter dues.  Also, there is a mandatory NSSSAR form to be completed to get you back in the SAR.  This form is available on the NSSAR website or your new chapter can help you get it.  Since your memberships has lapsed, there is no release or paperwork required from your previous state or chapter.  This form, with the appropriate fee in check form should be Submitted to the Texas State Secretary and he will complete the process.

If you are active and current from another state, pick the new chapter that you want to join and contact the chapter secretary or president.  While there is no reinstatement fee, you would be responsible for NSSAR, Texas SAR, and local chapter dues.  There is a mandatory NSSSAR form to be completed to transfer you to the Texas Society.  This form is available on the NSSAR website or your new chapter can help you get it.  This form must first be submitted to the demitting state secretary for approval and confirmation that you are a current member in good standing.  The form then goes to the Texas SAR State Secretary with the appropriate fee in check form and he will complete the process.

On the Texas SAR Members only website, there is an online form that you enter your old and new chapter on and then push the Submit button and it gets changed by the state secretary once received.

On the Texas SAR Members only website, there is an online form that you enter your contact information on and then push the Submit button and it gets changed by the state secretary once received.

First, we are very sorry for your loss and thank you for thinking of the SAR at this difficult time.  Second, there are many people that need to get notified of this sad event.  On the Texas SAR Members only website, there is an online form that you enter the members information (name, number, date of death, next of kin, etc.  Once submitted, it gets changed by the state secretary once received.

Just turn 18 years of age and as of January 1 of the following year, you are considered a regular member and your dues are adjust accordingly automatically.  There is nothing else for you to do.

All our rosters are kept on a separate private site that is secure and password protected.

No, that is not an option.  Within the Texas Society, everything stems from the chapters.

With the purchase of a SAR Life Membership, your National Dues are paid for the rest of your life.  You would complete a form available on the National website and submit a lumpsum payment based on your age to the state secretary and never pay national dues again.  Click here for more information.

WIth the purchase of a Texas SAR Perpetual Membership, your state and chapter dues are paid for the rest of your life.  The cost is the same as a SAR Life Membership.  Click here for more information.


Color Guard

Most uniforms can be found made of wool (light or heavy), polyester, or linen.   Whatever type is up to your owwn tastes, pocketbook, and the weather conditions you wear it in.  One mandatory requirement is that if your uniform is polyester, you can NOT participate in a musket volley of any kind, a flag retirement ceremony, or any activity where there is a potential for sparks or open flames - this is for your own safety and common sense.

There are dozens of uniform styles (regimental, militia, etc.) and for the most part, you can get whatever you prefer.  Some members get uniforms based on what their ancestors probably wore.  Others in the same chapter may choose to dress alike to appear to be one unit.   There is no set rule.  We recommend to check with your primary chapter and see what they recommend.

There are dozens of "suttlers" around the country that sell many types of colonial attire that is either custom made or "off-the-rack".  A great place to look is on the Texas SAR Public Site or check with another guardsman.  Try -   Additionally, other guardsmen in your chapter will have favored vendors, so check with them too.  Of course, there are plenty used and new ones on Ebay on a regular basis (Dry clean them when you get them!)

Absolutely OK.  Bring what you have and see if the other guardsmen or Chapter can support your needs for a time.

First, we are very sorry for your loss and thank you for thinking of the SAR at this difficult time.  You can donate it to your local chapter closest to you or offer it for sale if you prefer.  It is up to you.  We recommend that you check with your local chapter.

It depends on what type of event.  Since we are a 501-C3 Texas Non-Profit Corporation, we are 100% non-political by law - we support no particular candidates as an organization.  As such, our color guard cannot support any political rallies, elections, or fund raising events as advertised SAR Members.  But if your event is non-political in nature (baseball game, school, or veterans functions, etc.) our local chapter near you would be the best place to ask first.

There are no extra fees for joining the color guard other than your expenses to buy your uniform and equipment.

Everyone is a Private to start.  Only Chapter and State Color Guard Commanders may assign rank. - This is the link on the private site, Information/Color Guard tab to register into the state Color Guard email distribution list.  We encourage ALL Compatriots and especially Guardsmen to stay up to date with this highly effective communication tool.  Also ensure you are on the DADA general email list too.


Youth Awards

The SAR is proud to sponsor poster constests, brochure contests, essay contests, and oration contests for different education levels.  Details and requirements for each contest are found on both the national SAR website and the Texas SAR Website.

All Youth Awards are entered and submitted through the local chapter.  So you should find your local chapter and make contact with them.  All entries should be made by mid December as the deadline for most chapters is January 1.  Chapters will hold their own contests and award their local winners.  That winner for each contest is then submitted to Texas SAR for the state level contest that occurs in late March or early April.  The state winners are then submitted to the National contest for each contest that is typically in early July of each year.  The award at the chapter level can vary from a few hundred dollars at the chapter level to thousands of dollars at the National level.  A contestant can NOT bypass the chapter or state contest.  All entries go in through the local chapter and must conform to their deadlines.


Email/Computer Safety

Look carefully.
• Examine the actual email address to match it up with the normal email address you regularly use for that person.  If different, then assume this is false and ignore the message.  If you have doubts or concerns, phone the person whose email this is supposed to be from and warn them that others might be getting similar emails.  In some cases, you might find that someone has changed their email address but not notified their friends and colleagues.

If you receive a suspicious email...
Do not reply, even if you recognize the sender as a well-known person, business or financial institution.  If you have an account with the institution, contact them directly and ask them to verify the information included in the email.
Do not click any links provided in these emails (or cut and paste them into a browser).  This may download viruses to your computer, or at best, confirm your email address to phishers.
Do not open any attachments.  If you receive an attachment you are not expecting, confirm with the senders that they did indeed send the message and meant to send an attachment.
Do not enter your personal information or passwords on an untrusted Web site or form referenced in this email.
Report any suspicious messages that claim to be from Texas SAR or contain a suspicious attachment or link to
Delete the message.

If you responded to a suspicious email...
Contact your financial institution.  Report the content of your email and your actions to the security or fraud department.
File a police report.  Contact your local police department.
Change the passwords to all online accounts that may have been compromised.
Report the message to the Federal Trade Commission through their online form and to any organization impersonated in the email.  You can also report the message to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at, a group of Internet Service Providers, security vendors, financial institutions, and law enforcement agencies dedicated to fighting phishing.

Use email etiquette to ensure that your email isn't mistaken for an infected message:
• Always include a clear, descriptive subject for your email.
Consider using a signature with your name and contact information (email & phone).
Mention attachments with a description of why you are sending it in the body of your email.
• Be sure you have spelled things correctly, misspellings and incorrect english are often a sign of a phishing expedition.

Here are a few IT security best practices
Use a unique password for each of your online accounts.  Many people reuse a favorite password for multiple accounts, but if one of these accounts is compromised, they will all be at risk of data breach.
Run a full virus scan of your computer every month.  To detect the latest viruses, you must use a current version of your anti-virus software and keep it updated.
Update your device's operating system with the latest security patches, including your mobile operating system.  Use Windows Update (Windows) or Apple Software Update (Macintosh) and enable automatic updates to receive security patches as soon as they are released.
Keep your software updated, especially your Web browser, mobile operating system, Adobe Reader, and Flash Player.
Do not "jail-break" your smartphone.

Be careful with your information.
Use caution with tax information
   • From the Internal Revenue Service:  "Scams can be sophisticated and take many forms.  We urge people to protect themselves and use caution when viewing emails, receiving telephone calls or getting advice on tax issues. [...]  Keep your personal information safe and secure.  Taxpayers should protect their computers and only give out their Social Security numbers when absolutely necessary."
Review your credit card and bank account statements
   • The best way to monitor activity on your financial accounts is to carefully inspect your credit report every year.  Federal law requires the nation’s major credit reporting companies to give everyone a free credit report every 12 months.  Once you have your report, look for inaccurate information or unfamiliar accounts.
   • Check your bank and credit card accounts for any suspicious activity or unauthorized charges.  Sign up for online statements if you do not already receive them to get the latest information.
Never email your personal or financial information
   • Email is not a secure method of communicating sensitive information.  Remember that legitimate financial institutions never ask for sensitive information via email.

Develop safety routines:
Back up data regularly.
   • Then verify the backups by actually getting the data off the backup and back into your computer.
Regularly schedule "fire drills"
   • to restore information from backup.
Keep your computer in a safe,
   • ...dry and dust-free area.  Low-traffic locations are best to prevent physical damage to the computers.
Have a generator or battery back-up system.
   • Large power surges can destroy computer equipment, but even relatively low-level bursts of energy can erase the data on hard drives. Uninterrupted power supplies give protection during lightning and electrical storms so data can be saved or backed up during an outage.
Protect equipment from static electricity
   • that can erase data or damage components.  Today's storage media is becoming more vulnerable to extraneous static discharge.
Use virus-detection protection programs
   • and keep them updated.  Viruses may not be as common as the news media makes them seem, but they do exist and they can be deadly to data.  Use virus-detection protection programs and keep them updated.
Use the "undo" feature.
   • Many installation and diagnostic programs offer undo disks that can restore systems to their original configurations if things go wrong.  It's good practice to take advantage of this feature.
Analyze hard drives
   • There are also software programs that can detect impending problems within hard drives.  Using them regularly can head off problems.

Club Express is a membership management service that Texas SAR, along with several other state societies, is evaluating.  Three Texas chapters were selected to be part of the evaluation and if you are a member of those chapters you will receive associated emails from Club Express.  These emails are to introduce CE and to help you establish your membership.  If there is any question about whether an email received from Club Express (or any other entity) with respect to the SAR is legitimate, please don't hesitate to contact your chapter president or the Texas SAR webmaster.