Texas SAR Monument Project
Texas SAR is excited to announce the beginning of fundraising efforts for a monument honoring American Patriots buried in Texas. The monument, to be located in the Texas State Cemetery in Austin, will be dedicated in concurrence with the 250th Anniversary of the founding of our great nation!
Below we are including preliminary designs of the monument and both aerial and ground photographs of the location the Monument Committee has decided upon.
The Monument Committee is currently in the process of obtaining proposals for work. We expect to have a final budget approved in 2023 and award the work later this year. The current working assumption for total cost to construct and install is $60,000. That cost estimate does not include the bench included in the aerial layout below. Depending on our success in raising funds from compatriots and friends of the Texas SAR, we may elect to omit that work.
You may donate via PayPal (preferred method) using a credit card or any of your pre-configured payment methods by clicking here and entering your donation in item #31. If you need to mail a check, please make it payable to Texas SAR and mail to:
Texas SAR Treasurer
11 Winhall Place
The Woodlands, TX 77354-3313
Please note that many custodians will not include a memo on the check. If a check is sent, it would be prudent for a donor to email a note to treas@texassar.org to ensure the proper accounting of the contribution.
Currently, Texas SAR has about 2,700 active members. If only 25% of members donate $100 each, we will have raised $67,500 for this great project. I hope we can count on you to contribute!
If you have questions about the Texas SAR Monument Project, you may contact the Committee Chairman, Richard Lee Zdunkewicz at rzdunkewicz@comcast.net, or phone him at 713-302-0237
Thank you for your interest in this exciting project!
Thin design concept

Location Options at Texas State Cemetery