The following tables outline the fee distributions for Dues, Applications, Requests for Transfer, Reinstatements, Dual Memberships, and more. When calculating total fees (national, state, and chapter) the fact that several chapters have larger chapter dues rates than the "standard" must be taken into account and the dues rates for 2025 are in use in this form. For accurate fees regardless of chapter, select a Chapter from the drop-down list and enter your age (necessary only if you are interested in Perpetual Membership).
Note: During the month of April there will be a reduced fee for New – Regular Member Applications and JUNIOR – (Under18) New Member Applications that are (normally) paying the full $150.00 national application fee. The reduced National Application fee for these applications is $75.00 during the month of April only. These applications must reach your respective state registrar on or before April 25 in order to give time to review applications and mail them to National before their April 30 postmart deadline.
Note: The state fees on this page include a $3.00 annual assessment to defray expenses which the state will incur in hosting the 2029 National Congress in San Antonio.
Note: Fees may not show in extremely narrow browser views as in smart phones held vertically.