Eagle Scout Contest
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Open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their 19th birthday during the year of application (the application year is the calendar year, 01 Jan. to 31 Dec.). The year that Eagle was awarded is not restricted. An Eagle Scout Scholarship Program Brochure can be downloaded here.
College plans do not need to be completed in order to receive the scholarship. Our Scholarship monetary awards are as follows: First place - $3500; second place - $750; and third place - $500. Previous Eagle Scout Scholarship winners may apply for the Scholarship in subsequent years so long as they meet the Scholarship requirements. The winner of the Texas Society Contest is forwarded on to the National Society Contest.
Entrants need to complete only one application - the one for the chapter competition. The application of the Chapter winner is forwarded to be used in the State and National competitions as appropriate.
The application consists of:
1. The Eagle Scout Contest application form
2. The Four Generation ancestor chart
3. The 500 word Patriotic Themed Essay
4. A completed Permission/Release Form
The competition is conducted in three phases: local (Chapter), State (Society), and National. The competition is usually entered through the Chapter level. In some cases, the competition may be entered at the State level if there is no local contest. You may not enter at the National level.
Complete applications must be received by the State Contest Chairman Dr. Arthur Munford no later than Jan 1st.
Required Forms downloads:
Eagle Scout Award Application Form can be obtained here (from NSSAR web site)
Four Generation Ancestor Chart can be obtained here (from NSSAR web site)
Note: Each of the forms should be printed as two sided if possible.
The Eagle Scout Contest winner will be reimbursed according to the Travel and Convention Expense Allowance schedule for travel to the Texas SAR state convention.
The winner is responsible for any/all other costs including additional meals. If there are any questions about reimbursements, please contact the Chairman of your respective contest.
Completed applications should be converted to PDF format and sent via email to David Scott at EagleScout@texassar.org.
Questions can be sent to EagleScout@texassar.org.