Arlington Chapter #7



2014 Chapter Photos

Available years:
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Chapter Members

Jan. 11, 2014, Reorganized Jan. 11, 1994, this is our 20th Chapter Anniversary
Bill Covington, Ron Carter, Richard Coffey, Sonny Parks, Kevin Jorrey, Dennis Walton, John Anderson, David Friels
kneeling: Bob Wehr, Ray Wehr, Roger Wehr

Ron C. & James A.
2013 Officers

Jan. 11, 2014, 20th Chapter Anniversary
Chapter President Ron Carter and Texas SAR Dist 5 VP James Alderman
New 2013 Officers: Ron Carter, Treasurer; John Anderson, Registrar; David Frields, President; Bob Wehr, Vice-President; Roger Wehr, Secretary

2014 Poster Judging
2014 Poster Chapter Winners

Feb. 8, 2014 Judging 5th Grade American History Poster Contest;
Compatriots David Friels, Bill Covington, Roger Wehr, Richard Coffey, Ron Carter, Chairman; Dick Lee, Ray Wehr, Bob Wehr

David Friels1
David Friels2

Feb. 8, 2014 Compatriot David Friels presented a discussion on Francis Marion, "The Swamp Fox"

Dennis Walton1
Dennis Walton2

Mar. 8, 2014 Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Dennis Walton who descends from
Patriot Lt. Jesse Walton Brigade Qtrmaster to Gen. Stevens in VA Cont. Line, Buried: Pittsylvania Co. VA

2014 Yearbook
2014 Officers

Mar. 8, 2014, Annual meeting with Officer Inductions:
John Anderson, Historian; Ron Carter, Treasurer; Bob Wehr, Vice President; David Friels, President; Bill Covington, Chaplain; Ray Wehr, Sergeant At Arms; Roger Wehr, Secretary; James Alderman, Texas SAR Representative

John Anderson1
John Anderson2

Mar. 8, 2014, Compatriot John Anderson recognized with both "Distinguished" and "Meritorious" Service Medals

David Friels1
David Friels2

Mar. 8, 2014, Incoming President David Friels recognized Outgoing President Ron Carter for a job well done.

Kyle Rankin

Mar. 14, 2014 Texas SAR President Stephen Rohrbough, assisted by Essay Chairman Ron Carter of the Arlington Chapter, presented the "2013 CAR Essay Scholarship" award to contest winners:
2nd place $500 goes to Daniel Avedikian, sponsored by the Plano Chapter, and
1st place $2500 goes to John Clayton, sponsored by the Alexander Hodge Chapter.
Standing left to right: John Clayton, Daniel Avedikian, Stephen Rohrbough and Ron Carter.
Seated is new elected Texas CAR Vice President Kyle Rankin of our Arlington Chapter.

Texas SAR Convention Banquet

Mar. 29, 2014 James Alderman and Ron Carter entering the Texas SAR Spring Banquet in San Antonio

Tom Waldrop

April 12, 2014, Compatriot Tom Waldrop was presented the "Lamplighter Award" for his Texas SAR contributions

Roger Wehr
Pop Quiz

April 12, 2014, UTA Economics Professor & Compatriot Roger Wehr presented information about the economic struggles during the American Revolution, specifically the "Food Riots"quiz

Captain Molly Corbin DAR Chapter
Bluebonnet Hills2

Bluebonnet April 19, 2014, Assisting the Captain Molly Corbin DAR Chapter in marking the grave of one of their chapter founding members at the Bluebonnet Hills Cem; in Colleyville, TX were local Texas SAR Chapter members James Alderman, & Robert Gresham of the Major K.M. Van Zandt Chapter and Ron Carterof the Arlington Chapter

Timberview High
Legacy High

May 9, 2014 Compatriot John Anderson presented the Bronze JROTC Award to Cadet J. Turner of Timberview High.
and Compatriot Ron Carter presented the Bronze JROTC Award to Cadet J. Trevino,
and afterwards he presented the Legacy High Color Guard with a flag certificate.

Drake Peddie

May 10, 2014 President David Friels presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Compatriot Drake Peddie for his "Timothy Murphy" presentation.


May 10, 2014 Past and Current Chapter Presidents Ron Carter and David Friels mount our new Texas SAR signs to Arlington's Division Street Diner

Kyle Rankin

May 10, 2014 President David Friels thanks our Junior Member and TX CAR President, Kyle Rankin for sharing the CAR 2014 goals with us.

Lake Ridge High

May 13, 2014 Compatriot David Friels presented the Bronze JROTC Award to Cadet D. Farris of Lake Ridge High.

DAR Banner
SAR Banner

July 4, 2014 – Final parade preparations

Arlington Welcome

Arlington's 4th of July, 2014 Parade

Route 1
Route 2
Route 3
Ken Cox 1
Ken Cox 2
Ken Cox 3
Mike Smith

July 12, 2014 Chapter President David Friels inducted
new Compatriot Mike Smith who descends from
Patriot John Duckwork in Ramsaur's Mill & Kings Mtn, NC, Buried: First Presb Cem, Morganton, Burke Co. NC

Roger, Ray Wehr

July 12, 2014 Compatriots Roger & Ray Wehr are presented with "Certificates of Appreciation" for their outstanding committee efforts towards Arlington's July 4th Parade

Bill Covington

July 12, 2014 Compatriot Bill Covington presents an outstanding program on the American Revolutionary Privateer Ship "South Carolina"

Ft Worth Chapter

July 19, 2014 Arlington Chapter President David Friels presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Ft. Worth Chapter President Russell Leavens at their meeting for the use of the parade trailer in Arlington's July 4th Parade. Compatriot John Anderson assisting.

Kevin Jorrey

Aug. 9, 2014 Compatriot Kevin Jorrey receives a Supplemental certificate for his 2nd Patriot Josiah Brown

Charles Baker1
Charles Baker1

Aug. 9, 2014 Compatriot Charles Baker of the Dallas Chapter presented the program on the "Study of the Flag"

Ron Carter1
Ron Carter2

Aug. 9, 2014 Compatriot Ron Carter receives a "Certificate of Appreciation" and SAR Shirt for his dedicated efforts with the Americanism Poster Contest

Jessica Butcher1
Jessica Butcher2

Aug. 9, 2014 Jessica Butcher receives recognition for her Essay Contest entry on "How Deism Influenced the Constitution." Her mother Gina Butcher escorted.

Howard Taylor

Sept. 13, 2014 Compatriot Howard Taylor of the Plano Chapter presents a review of "The Geography of Texas Cities" and The Central Corridor"

Grant Hamilton pin
Nicolas Hamilton pin
Hamilton Induction

Oct. 11, 2014, On this Red River Rivaly day, Chapter President David Friels inducted
new Compatriot Grant Hamilton who descends from
Patriot Pvt. Joseph J. McMaken in Capt. Erwins Co. 9th PA Regt. wounded at Brandywine, Buried: Greenwood Cem, Hamilton, Butler Co. OH Also, son Nicolas was inducted. Family attending.

Grant Hamilton 1
Grant Hamilton 2
John Anderson and Ron Carter
Ron Carter

Nov. 8, 2014 at Texas SAR Board of Managers; Temple, TX
Compatriots John Anderson and Ron Carterrepresent Arlington Chapter #7
Compatriot Ron Carter is recognized by Texas SAR President Bob Cohen for his Vietnam Era service

Fire Fighter Ryan Pugh
Chief JR Silveus

Nov. 8, 2014 at Arlington Chapter meeting.
Arlington Fire Fighter Ryan Pugh recognized.
Arlington Fire Dept Battalion Chief J.R. Silveus presents program.

Mike Smith, TXSCAR
Kyle Rankin, TXSCAR

Nov. 12, 2011 Compatriot Mike Smith meets our TX CAR Pres. & Arlington Jr. Compatriot Kyle Rankin and Lorna Ranklin.
Compatriot Kyle Ranklin later discusses TX CAR activities at the Texas SAR General Assembly

John Anderson and Jim Johnson

Dec. 11, 2014 Compatriot John Anderson met Compatriot Jim Johnson of the Denton and Plano Chapters for research at the Willis Library of Univ North Texas

Texas SAR Arlington, Dec. 13th, 2014

Attendees Dec 13, 2014 at the First Dixie Cafe in Pantego, TX
Compatriots: Roger Wehr, Ron Carter, Mike Smith, Dennis Walton, Grant Hamilton, Nicolas Hamilton, Bob Wehr, David Friels. Also in attendance but not pictured are: Kevin Jorrey, Richard Coffey and John Anderson.

Texas SAR Arlington, Dec. 30th, 2014

Dec. 30, 2014 Chapter Officers met at the First Dixie Cafe forming the Officer Nominations Committee & formulating the 2014 Texas SAR "End-of-Year" Reports
Compatriots: John Anderson, Bob Wehr, Roger Wehr, Ron Carter and David Friels