Arlington Chapter #7



2013 Chapter Photos

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David Friels1

Jan. 12, 2013
Compatriot David Friels presents the
"American Revolution War Timeline"
of major events and battles.

David Friels2

Each compatriot located his patriot's war service location.

Texas SAR Arlington

Jan. 12, 2013, Attending Membership and Guests of the Texas SAR Arlington Chapter
Compatriot Bob Wehr, Kevin Jorrey (guest), Compatriot John Anderson, Compatriot Don Billings, Compatriot Richard Coffey, Compatriot Ron Carter, Compatriot Claude Hicks
kneeling: Compatriot David Friels, Ray Wehr (guest), Compatriot Roger Wehr, Sonny Parks (guest)

Americanism Poster Contest Entries

Feb. 9, 2013 Judging Americanism Poster Contest Entries Ron Carter, tallying; judging are Compatriots Dick Lee, Claude Hicks, David Friels and Richard Coffey

2013 New Officers

2013 New Officers (left to right) John Anderson, Registrar & Historian; David Friels, VP & Chaplain; Ron Carter, President; Bob Wehr, Secretary; Roger Wehr, Treasurer

Ray Bommer

Mar. 9, 2013 President Ron Carter presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Compatroit Ray Bommer

2013 Texas SAR Attendees

April 6, 2013 Texas SAR State Convention at Wyndham Love Field James Alderman, Texas SAR Region 5 Vice-President; David Friels, Vice President; Ron Carter; President; John Anderson, Registrar.

Neighbor Chapter Presidents
Attendance Award

Neighbor Chapter Presidents Ray Leftwich, Ft.Worth, Major Van Zandt #6 Ron Carter, Arlington #7
Later that night Arlington receives for 2012 the Marshall Hunter Attendance Award

Bill Covington2
Bill Covington3
Bill Covington1

April 13, 2013 Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Bill Covington who descends from
Patriot Pvt. David Norman in Col. Brandon's SC Militia, Buried: Padgetts Creek, Bapt. Cem, Cross Keys, Union Co., SC
Lorna Rankin, who researched Bill's linage, pinned the SAR Rosette. Also in attendance was Arlington DAR Regent Nancy Davis.

Roseann Sears1
Roseann Sears2

April 13, 2013, Officer Roseann Sears, UTA Alumni, receives the Law Enforcement Commendation from UTA Professor and Compatriot Roger Wehr. See UTA's campus newspaper – The Shorthorn

June 2013 Inductions
June 2013 Wehr Inductions

June 7, 2013, Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Ray Wehr who descends from
Patriot Pvt. Johan Jacob Stambaugh in 2nd Regt. PA Cont. Line, Buried: Family Farm Cem, Elliottsburg, Perry Co PA
Other family members inducted are: Robert Wehr (son of Bob), Daniel Wehr & Joshua Wehr (sons of Roger), Ray Wehr (son of Bob).

June 2013 Parks Induction

June 7, 2013, Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Sonny Parks who descends from
Patriot Philip Earnhart in Oath of Allegiance & Juror in NC, Buried: Rowan Co, NC

June 20, 2013 Constitution & Bylaws Revision Committee
Aug. 10, 2013 Pop Quiz
Aug. 10, 2013 Roger Wehr1
Aug. 10, 2013 Roger Wehr2
Aug. 10, 2013 Roger Wehr3

Aug. 10, 2013, Compatriot & UTA Economic's Professor Roger Wehr gave a presentation of the Monetary System during American's Revolutionary period. A "Pop Quiz" and 8 currency examples were included.

Aug. 17, 2013 Ron Carter presents medals to CAR 3Forks of Trinity

Aug. 17, 2013, President Ron Carter
presents medals to TX CAR Chapter Three Forks of the Trinity outgoing President R. Jones and incoming President Kyle Rankin

Bill Covington
Bill Covington
Bill Covington

Sept. 14, 2013 Waxahachie History Teacher and Compatriot Bill Covington gave a presentation on American Revolutionary coins and currency

Kevin Jorrey4
Kevin Jorrey5
Kevin Jorrey3

Sept. 14, 2013 Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Kevin Jorrey who descends from
Patriot Pvt. Peter Jost Snell in Col. Jacob Klock Tryon Co Militia 2nd NY Regt., Buried: Snells Bush Cem, Manheim Center, Herkimer Co. NY

Kevin Jorrey BattleOfOriskany

Oct. 12, 2013, Compatriot Kevin Jorrey gave a slide and video presentation on the Battle of Oriskany, NYAug. 6, 1777

Eagle Scout Certificate of Recognition
Eagle Scout Awards

Oct. 15, 2013, Compatriot Ron Carter awards the National SAR Eagle Scout Certificate to Andrew Faletti, son of our Compatriot & Eagle Scout Chairman Gary Faletti

Compatriot Ron Carter prepares1
Compatriot Ron Carter prepares2

Nov. 9, 2013, Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Bill Rankin who descends from
Patriot Capt. Thomas Rankin in Augusta Co, VA Militia and sons Kyle (not shown) and David.

Drake Peddie1
Drake Peddie2

Nov. 9, 2013, Compatriot Drake Peddie of the Plano Chapter, gave a program on the Am. Rev. Privateers, and discussed the role of his Patriot Ancestor. Compatriots David Friels and Ron Carter thanked him for his presentation.


Nov. 26, 2013, Compatriots John Anderson & Roger Wehr search UNT Willis Library for historical Texas SAR Arlington Roster members

Mike Radcliff as George Mason

Dec. 14, 2013, Compatriot Mike Radcliff of the Plano Chapter, introduced by Vice President David Friels presented George Mason's view of the needed "Bill of Rights"

Chapter BOM

Dec. 21, 2013, Annual Year-end Arlington Chapter Board of Mangers meeting this year in UTA Professor of Economics Roger Wehr's office
were Compatriots John Anderson, seated; Bob Wehr, Ron Carter, David Friels and Roger Wehr