Arlington Chapter #7



2012 Chapter Photos

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Don Billings

Jan. 14, 2012, Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Don Billings who descends from
Patriot Pvt. John Barr in Col. George Bush & Thomas Hartley Regt., DE Cont. Line, Buried: Bald Eagle, Centre Co., PA

Bill Covington
CAR Patriot

Jan. 14, 2012, Waxahachie American History Teacher Bill Covington gave a lively presentation with some demonstration on the origin of "Expressions used today that originated in the American Colonial period" and introduces Am Rev Soldier gear to TX CAR member Jacob.


Feb. 4, 2012, Compatriots judging this year's posters.

2012 Officers

Mar. 10, 2012, New Officers: Secretary, Don Billings; Chaplain, David Friels; President, Ron Carter; Registrar, John Anderson; Treasurer, Ray Bommer

Meeting Attendees

Mar. 10, 2012, Attending Membership and Guests of the Texas SAR Arlington Chapter, Standing:
Gary Vigen (guest), Compatriot Ron Carter, Bob Wehr (guest), Compatriot Bob Harris, Compatriot David Friels, Compatriot Don Billings, Compatriot John Anderson, Compatriot Gary Faletti,
Seated: Compatriot Claude Hicks, Roger Wehr (guest), Compatriot Ray Bommer

David Mabry1
David Mabry2

April 14, 2012, Nicholas Jr. High Teacher – David Mabry presented his classroom presentation on the biography of Thomas Jefferson

Claude Hicks as French & Indian Soldier

May 12, 2012, Compatriot Claude Hicks as frontier soldier during the French & Indian War with a Kentucky Long Rifle

Flag Certificate to J.B. Little Elem

May 15, 2012, President Ron Carter presents a Flag Certificate to Beth Anne Woodard, Principle at J.B. Little Elementary Arlington, TX for proper display and care of the American Flag.

Dick Lee's Induction

Sept 8, 2012, Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Dick Lee who descends from
Patriot Stephen Lee Furnished Supplies in Virginia, Buried: Lee Family Cem, near Nancy, Pulaski Co. KY

Roger and Bob Wehr Induction

Oct 13, 2012, Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Roger Wehr who descends from
Patriot Pvt. Johan Jacob Stambaugh in 2nd Regt. PA Cont. Line, Buried: Family Farm Cem, Elliottsburg, Perry Co PA Father Bob Wehr is included.

James Friels Induction

Nov. 10, 2012, Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot James Friels who descends from
Patriot Capt. Noah Langdon in Tyringham Co 8th MA Regt., 1st Berkshire Co MA Regt., Buried: Old Center Cem, Monterey, Berkshire Co. Mass Father David Friels assisted.

Ron Carter at Arlington Genealogical Society

Nov. 13, 2012, President Ron Carter presents the Texas SAR History 2 volume set to the Arlington Genealogical Society who meets at the downtown Arlington Library

President Ron Carter Inducts new Compatriot Richard Coffey

Dec. 8, 2012, Chapter President Ron Carter inducted
new Compatriot Richard Coffey who descends from
Patriot Capt. Andrew Walker in Capt. Irwin, NC Regt., Buried: Walker Cem, Union Co. NC Father David Friels assisted.