SAR 2021 Logo

Arlington Chapter #7

Texas SAR

Sons of the American Revolution

Patriot Index

27 Wilhelmus Bitzer George Wm Heffner Towers George Towers 150265 July 27, 2016
28 Thomas Bonner J Damon Fehler Damon Fehler 130414 curr. member
29 Moses Bostic Gary Stewart Bostic Gary S. Bostic 152044  
30 Sgt. Samuel Bradstreet Howard Guinn Coursey Howard Coursey 141885  
31 Samuel Brewfield Charles Jackson Maxwell Charles J. Maxwell 16659 Apr. 9, 1961
32 Pvt. John Bright J. Brooks Bishop III Brooks Bishop 142291  
33 William Brookshire Douglas Lyle Ferguson Douglas Ferguson 145280  
34 Pvt. Isham Browder Robert Harold Bob Browder 142198 June 23, 2020
35 Pvt. Josiah Brown Kevin S. Jorrey Kevin Jorrey 187489 curr. member
36 Pvt. Adam Burkett Daniel R. Hamilton Dan Hamilton 208336 curr. member
37 Samual Butcher Rodney H. Ashford Rod Ashford 206473 Feb. 2, 2023
38 Henry Carter Raymond Edward Ray DeVries 152760 Apr. 12, 2021
39 Ebenezer Chapman John F. Jack Davis 196518  
40 John Chapman Jr William B. Will Graham 205592  
41 John Chapman Sr William B. Will Graham 205592  
42 John Miles Charlesworth Lawrence E. Charlesworth Lawrence Charlesworth 104144 Mar. 21, 2001
43 Rev. John Chastain Phillip Neil Roe Phillip Roe 212826 curr. member
44 Rev. John Chastain Ian Alexander Yuhasz Ian Yuhasz 212827 curr. member
45 Pvt. Adam Clapp Wm Richard Coffey 185274 curr. member
46 Pvt. James Coe Ned Gordon Myers Ned G. Myers 198137 curr. member
47 Barbee G. Collins Hon. Benton Carter Collins Hon. Benton Collins 55100 June 14, 1972
48 Meredith Collins Robert B. Robert Pope 204498 curr. member
49 George Conant Robin D. Teagarden Jr. Robin Teagarden 113292 curr. member
50 Terrence Connor Rev. James W. Rev. James Harris 189129  
51 Cpl. William Copeland Gary S. Faletti Gary Faletti 180945 curr. member
52 Pvt. Higgins Coppinger Audrey Gaylon Al Coppinger 139433 Feb. 17, 2004
2 of 13 sets
 by Patriot 
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