Check out Valentine Photography's Photo Galleries for Maj. K.M. Van Zandt Chapter, Texas SAR.
January 18, 2020
President Gerry Gieger and Compatriot Mike Connelley
presented the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal
to Fort Worth Police Department Officer
Donald Lancaster.
January 18, 2020
President Gerry Gieger presented Compatriot Mike
Connelley with the Service to Veterans Medal.
January 18, 2020
President Gerry Gieger presented the Chapter Service
Medal to John Anderson, Mike Connelley, and Ron
Turner for their work on the 2019 Fall Board of
Managers meeting last year.
January 18, 2020
President Gerry Gieger and Compatriot Ron
Turner inducted new member Larry Mick.
January 18, 2020
Texas Society President David Temple administered the Oath of Office
to the 2020-2021 officers. From left to right: Registrar (Acting)
Gerry Gieger, President Ron Turner, Secretary/Historian Kevin
Shellman, Treasurer Vaughn Oliver, Chaplain Roger Tate, and Genealogist
(acting) Don Woodworth. Not present for the picture was Vice President/
Sgt-at-Arms/Color Guard Commander Bobby Gresham.
January 18, 2020
Out-going President Gerry Gieger presented in-coming
President Ron Turner with his president's neck ribbon.
January 18, 2020
Texas Society President David Temple presented an
interestingpresentation on General George
Washington, Lord Conrwallis, and General
Rochambeau and what happened to them after
the conclusion of the War for Independence.