Check out Valentine Photography's Photo Galleries for Maj. K.M. Van Zandt Chapter, Texas SAR.
January 20, 2018
Chapter President Mike Connelly, stands with our
2018 Law Enforcement Accommodation Medal Recipient,
Officer Andrew Johns of the Fort Worth Police
January 20, 2018
Fort Worth Police Department Assistant Chief Ed
Kearns provides an update on the police department.
January 20, 2018
President Mike Connelly, assisted by Registrar-elect
David Davidson, administers the new member oath to
Compatriot Erich Wisdom.
January 20, 2018
President Connelley awarded a
Meritorious Service Medal
to Compatriot Paul Valentine
for his long years at maintaining
the chapter website, photography
for the chapter, and for veteran
assistance with Past-President
Don Goodman.
January 20, 2018
President Connelley awarded the Chapter
Distinguished Service Medal to Compatriot
James Alderman for his many years
of service to the chapter, especially during
Past-President Goodman’s term as chapter president.
January 20, 2018
Compatriot Bob Northcraft presented medals to
President-elect Gerry Gieger and Color Guard
Commander Bobby Gresham, honoring them for
their answer to the urgent call for help
with the traveling Liberty Bell project.
January 20, 2018
Texas SAR Secretary Drake Peddie presented Veteran
Corps certificates to Bill Hawkins, James Alderman,
Ron Turner, and Roger Tate.
January 20, 2018
Texas SAR Secretary Drake Peddie administered the
oath of office to the chapter's new slate of
officers: President Gerry Gieger, Vice-President Chase
Sanger, Secretary Ron Turner, Registrar David
Davidson, Chaplain Roger Tate, and Sergeant-at-Arms
Bobby Gresham.
January 20, 2018
The chapter's new slate of officers:
President Gerry Gieger, Vice-President Chase
Sanger, Secretary Ron Turner, Registrar David
Davidson, Chaplain Roger Tate, and Sergeant-at-Arms
Bobby Gresham.
January 20, 2018
Past-Presidents of the chapter join new
President Gerry Gieger. They are Mike Connelley,
James Alderman, Ken Cox, and Russell Leavens.
January 20, 2018
DAR representatives stand with new President Gerry
Gieger and out-going President Mike Connelley.
They are (l to r):
Gwen Boyd, Regent, Mary Isham Keith Chapter;
Linda Johnson, Past-Regent, Mary Isham Keith Chapter;
Donna Moore, Nathaniel Mills Chapter;
Sharon Katz, Regent, Nathaniel Mills Chapter;
Dede Samuelson, Past-Regent, Fort Worth Chapter;
Alice Stone, 2nd Vice-Regent, Nathaniel Mills Chapter;
Judy Ramos, 1st Vice-Regent, Nathaniel Mills Chapter.
February 3, 2018
Compatriots John Anderson and Ron Turner attended the Annual
Awards Banquet for the Lone Star Squadron and Training Ship
Lone Star at the Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve
Base on Saturday evening, February 3rd. They presented
PO2 Dylan Nguyen with the SAR Bronze Good Citizenship
Certificate and Medal. PO2 Nguyen’s father joined the
group for pictures after the banquet.
February 17, 2018
President Gerry Gieger and Registrar David
Davidson presented EMT Stacey Sokolsky
with the SAR 2018 EMS Commendation Award.
Stacey is a supervisor in the Medstar 911
Communication Center.
February 17, 2018
President Gerry Gieger attended the
DAR George Washington Banquet on February 17th
and presented Martha Washington Medals and
Certificates to Gwen Boyd, Regent, Mary Isham
Keith Chapter, and Donna Moore, Nathaniel Mills
Chapter of the NSDAR.
March 1, 2018
President Gerry Gieger presented the
Medal of Appreciation Award to
Linda Johnson, Mary Isham Keith Chapter,
on March 1. Joining them was
Gwen Boyd, Regent, Mary Isham Keith
Chapter of the NSDAR.
March 17, 2018
President Gerry Gieger and Compatriot
Mike Connelley presented Isaac Kerhman
with the Eagle Scout Award certificate
and medal.
March 17, 2018
President Gerry Gieger presented
Compatriot Don Goodman with the
Bronze Roger Sherman Medal.
March 17, 2018
President Gerry Gieger presented
Compatriot Billy Thompson with the
SAR Veteran Corps certificate for
his military service.
March 17, 2018
President Gerry Gieger administered the oath
to new members (r to l): Wade Chaney, Timothy
Hawkins, Nicholas Mandich, and David Rankin.
Registrar David Davidson pinned the new
members with the SAR rosette.
April 6, 2018
Members of Van Zandt Chapter participate
in the State Color Guard’s presenting the
colors at the opening session of convention.
April 7, 2018
Van Zandt Chapter #6 Delegates to Convention
(L to R)
John Anderson (Arlington Chapter #7), Chase Sanger,
Gerry Gieger, James Alderman, Bobby Gresham,
David Davidson, Mike Connelley, and Ron Turner
April 7, 2018
(L to R) John and Meg Anderson, Chase Sanger,
Gerry and Sharon Gieger, Mike ad Sarah Connelley,
James Alderman, Bobby Gresham, Ron Turner,
Ja’Ann Alderman, and District 5 Vice President
Ron Carter
April 7, 2018
(L to R) Mike and Sarah Connelley, Jan Turner,
Chase Sanger, James and Ja’Ann Alderman,
Meg Anderson, Dana Gresham, and John Anderson
April 7, 2018
(L to R) Gerry Gieger, Sarah Connelley,
Jan and Ron Turner
April 12, 2018
The Maj. K.M. Van Zandt Chapter Color Guard
presented and posted the colors at the Captain
Molly Corbin Chapter NSDAR Annual Awards Dinner
and Ceremony at Cowboys Country Club, Grapevine,
Texas. Color Guard members are (L to R)
David Davidson, Bobby Gresham, Ron Turner,
and Chapter President Gerry Gieger. DAR ladies
are Bonnie Kurtz and Chaplain Mary Kate McRaney.
April 12, 2018
Captain Molly Corbin Chapter
NSDAR Regent Leslie Dawson
Schwab presented Color Guard
Commander Bobby Gresham
with a
Certificate of Appreciation
April 12, 2018
Color Guard Commander Bobby Gresham
leads members Ron Turner, Gerry Gieger,
and David Davidson in the presentation
of the colors at the Captain Molly
Corbin Chapter NSDAR Annual Awards
April 19, 2018
Compatriot James Alderman
with Haltom High School
JROTC awardee
Angelo Castro
April 19, 2018
The Bronze Junior ROTC award
for displaying outstanding
citizenship ideals was
awarded to Cadet Cody Ferguson
at the Richland High School,
North Richland Hills, TX.
April 19, 2018
Compatriot Ron Turner presents the
SAR JROTC award to
Birdville High School Cadet
Aariun-Erdene Munkherdene.
May 19, 2018
At our May chapter meeting,
President Gerry Gieger presented
Compatriots James Alderman and
Mike Connelley with Certificates
of Appreciation from the
DAR-SAR Relations Committee.
May 19, 2018
President Gerry Gieger presented
Compatriot Harry Johnson with a
certificate from the SAR Center
for Advancing American Heritage.
May 19, 2018
President Gerry Gieger presented
Compatriot Mark Balliet with the
SAR Special Ops Veterans Corp
May 19, 2018
The program for our May chapter meeting was
based on the World War I Centennial this year.
Compatriot James Alderman presented a slide
presentation on the three divisions from Texas:
the 90th, 36th, and 32nd. The slide
presentation included information on chapter
member’s ancestors or relatives who fought in
World War I. Compatriots James Alderman,
Chuck Hield, Mike Connelley, Ron Turner,
Don Goodman, Vaughn Oliver, David Rankin,
Chase Sanger, Paul Ming, and Ken Cox
discussed the lives and military service
records of their respective ancestors
or relatives.
May 28, 2018
Compatriot Mike Connelley assisted members of
of the Capt. Nathaniel Mills Chapter NSDAR
present certificates and pins to Vietnam
Veterans at the Presbyterian Night Shelter's
Memorial Day picnic in Fort Worth.
DAR members are Judy Ramos, Regent,
unidentified, Donna Moore, and
Ann Marie Thompson.
May 28, 2018
Compatriot Mike Connelley and
DAR member Donna Moore of the
Capt. Nathaniel Mills Chapter NSDAR
present certificates and pins to Vietnam
Veterans at the Presbyterian Night Shelter's
Memorial Day picnic in Fort Worth.
June 8, 2018
Compatriot David Davidson presented
Vietnam Commemorative Pins to
Veterans at the Fort Worth HUD/VASH
Supportive Housing Quarterly meeting.
He was assisted by
Denise Salubi, HUD Case Manager,
and photographer, Compatriot Ron Turner.
June 8, 2018
Compatriot David Davidson presented
Vietnam Commemorative Pins to
Veterans at the Fort Worth HUD
June 8, 2018
Compatriot David Davidson presented
Vietnam Commemorative Pins to
Veterans at the Fort Worth HUD
June 8, 2018
Veterans receiving the Vietnam
Commemorative Pin sit in the
first two rows. A total of 28
Veterans received a pin.
June 9, 2018
The Color Guard presented the
colors at the Flag Ceremony
conducted by the
Fort Worth DAR Chapter
at the Cowtown Museum.
Compatriots Ron Turner
David Davidson, Kevin Shellman,
and Commander Bobby Gresham
made up the Color Guard unit.
June 9, 2018
Members of the Color Guard pose
with ladies from the DAR following
the conclusion of the Flag Ceremony
at the Cowgirl Museum.
June 14, 2018
Compatriots Ron Turner and David Davidson
represented the SAR at a DAR Vietnam
Veteran 50th Anniversary event at the
Presbyterian Night Shelter in Fort
June 14, 2018
Members of the Capt. Nathaniel Mills
Chapter hosted a DAR Vietnam
Veteran 50th Anniversary event at the
Presbyterian Night Shelter in Fort
Worth. Pictured are: Donna Moore,
Barbara Collier, Ann Marie Thompson,
and Jan Turner. Not pictured is
Judy Ramos, Regent.
June 14, 2018
Compatriots Ron Turner, with David Davidson assisting,
presented a Vietnam Veteran Commemorative Pin to
Vietnam Vets at the Presbyterian Night Shelter in
Fort Worth. Ron distributed a total of 9 pins.
June 14, 2018
Compatriots Ron Turner, with David Davidson assisting,
presented a Vietnam Veteran Commemorative Pin to
Vietnam Vets at the Presbyterian Night Shelter in
Fort Worth.
June 14, 2018
Compatriots Ron Turner, with David Davidson assisting,
presented a Vietnam Veteran Commemorative Pin to
Vietnam Vets at the Presbyterian Night Shelter in
Fort Worth.
July 04, 2018
Chapter members get the float
ready for the parade.
July 04, 2018
Chapter members on the float include (l-r):
Kevin Shellman, Bobby Gresham, Ron Turner,
Chuck Hield, Gerry Gieger, James Alderman,
and David & Lila Davidson (seated).
July 04, 2018
Don Goodman rode in the truck with our
driver Jan Turner (Captain Nathaniel Mills
Chapter DAR).
July 04, 2018
Our Chapter float followed the
FWFD Fire Truck that led the way
for the parade.
July 16, 2018
Enjoying the Texas Society Host Reception at
George Ranch Historical Park are (l-r):
Charles O. Sanger III (Georgia Society),
Mike Connelley, Charles O. Sanger IV,
John Anderson, and Ron Carter.
July 18, 2018
SAR President General Larry T. Guzy presented
Chapter Vice President Chase Sanger with his
SAR Veteran Corps Certificate at the banquet.
July 18, 2018
Members of the Maj. K.M. Van Zandt Chapter
and the Arlington Chapter at the banquet are:
(l-r) District 5 VP Ron Carter, Mike & Sarah
Connelley, Charles O. Sanger IV and his father,
Charles O. Sanger III (Georgia Society), Gerry
& Sharon Gieger, and Meg & John Anderson.
July 21, 2018
Judge Joe Spurlock II was our guest speaker
in July. Judge Spurlock is a Senior Professor
of Law and Director of the Asian Judicial
Institute at Texas A&M School of Law
in Fort Worth.
August 11, 2018
Members of the Texas State Color Guard
Members of Maj. K.M. Van Zandt Chapter
who participated in the Grave Marking
Ceremony in Corsicana are:
Bobby Gresham, James Alderman,
David Davidson, and Ron Turner.
August 11, 2018
Grave Marking Ceremony, Corsicana
Texas Society SAR President Tom Jackson
with Compatriot John Anderson.
August 11, 2018
Grave Marking Ceremony, Corsicana
The Texas State Color Guard Commander
Stu Hoyt prepares to issue orders to
Post the Colors
Compatriot James Alderman is at the
far left at Present Arms.
August 11, 2018
Grave Marking Ceremony, Corsicana
Chapter Color Guard Commander
Bobby Gresham prepares to fire
his musket during the musket salute.
August 11, 2018
Grave Marking Ceremony, Corsicana
Compatriots Jim Clements (San Antonio),
Stu Hoyt (SAR State Color Guard Commander,
New Braunfels), Ron Turner, and Roger Tate.
August 11, 2018
Grave Marking Ceremony, Corsicana
Compatriot David Davidson (c), and
Ron Turner (r) listen to instructions
from the Color Guard Commander.
August 11, 2018
Grave Marking Ceremony, Corsicana
Compatriot Ron Turner carried the
U.S. Flag during the posting of
the colors.
August 11, 2018
Grave Marking Ceremony, Corsicana
Chaplain Roger Tate conducted
graveside services at graves
of Texas Society Past Presidents
Edward Monroe Polk and
George T. Jester, both buried
in Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana.
August 18, 2018
At our August meeting, President Gerry Gieger
presented a SAR Military Service Veteran Corps
certificate to Compatriot Ken Cox.
August 18, 2018
Compatriot John Anderson presented Chaplain
Roger Tate with a Certificate of Appreciation
for his service as Chaplain at the
Grave Marking Ceremony in
Corsicana on August 11th.
September 11, 2018
Chapter officers appeared before the Fort
Worth City Council to award the NSSAR Life
Saving Medal and Certificate to FWPD
Officers Justin C. Henry and Trae L. Cierzan,
who talked to and rescued a woman standing on
an overpass threatening to commit suicide.
From L to R: President Gerry Gieger, Officer
Henry, Officer Cierzan, Past President Mike
Connelley, and Secretary Ron Turner.
September 11, 2018
From L to R: Secretary Ron Turner, FWPD Assistant Chief
Ed Kearns, Past President Mike Connelley, Mrs. Cierzan,
Officer Trae Cierzan, Officer Justin Henry, Mrs. Henry,
President Gerry Gieger, and North Division Captain
Leonard Elgin.
September 15, 2018
Maj. K.M. Van Zandt Chapter served as the
Color Guard on Saturday, September 15, at the
DAR Constitution Week Luncheon held at
Ridglea Country Club in Fort Worth.
Members participating included (L to R):
Kevin Shellman, Jerry Cope (Arlington),
James Alderman, and Color Guard Commander
Bobby Gresham.
September 15, 2018
President Gerry Gieger inducted Dr. Richard "Dick"
Wilson as a new member. Jane Bruckner (DAR/DRT)
accompanied Dr. Wilson.
September 15, 2018
President Gerry Gieger presented Secretary
Ron Turner with certificates for three new
supplemental Patriot applications.
October 4, 2018
Compatriot Ron Turner joined members of
the Captain Nathaniel Mills Chapter NSDAR
to present Vietnam Commemorative pins
to members of the American Legion Post #379
in Bedford, Texas. DAR members are (L to R):
Barbara Gallagher, Jan Turner, Ann Marie
Thompson, Donna Moore, and Carolyn Kitchens.
October 4, 2018
Compatriot Ron Turner distributed nine pins to
members of American Legion Post #379.
DAR member Ann Marie Thompson presented an
additional five certificates for military service
that fell outside the parameters for the
Vietnam War Era.
October 8, 2018
Members of the North Texas SAR Color Guard
await the funeral for Compatriot David
Davidson at DFW National Cemetery.
October 13, 2018
Compatriot Ron Turner participated in
the Color Guard of the Texas Society
SAR at New Braunfels for the 2018 Fall
Board of Managers Meeting.
October 20, 2018
District 5 Vice President Ron Carter,
assisted by President Gerry Gieger,
presented a Liberty Medal and Certificate
to Compatriot James Alderman.
October 26, 2018
Compatriot Ron Turner and his
wife Jan at the DAR and SAR
booth at the DFW EXPO 2018,
Sky Ball XVI. Jan is a
member of Captain Nathaniel
Mills Chapter NSDAR.
November 3, 2018
Color Guard Commander Bobby Gresham, assisted by Jerry Cope (Arlington) and Kevin Shellman,
presented the colors at the Captain Molly Corbin DAR Chapter Luncheon in
Grapevine. DAR members are (left to right): Chaplain Mary Kate McRaney,
Ja Ann Alderman, and Regent Jean De Schweintz.
November 4, 2018
Color Guard members Ron Turner and Jerry Cope (Arlington) represented the SAR
at the annual Massing of the Colors ceremony in Fort Worth.
November 9, 2018
Color Guard member Ron Turner participated in a
Naturalization Ceremony in Irving at which 118
people became new U.S. citizens.
November 12, 2018
Compatriot Ron Turner presented a total of seven Vietnam Veteran pins at a
Fort Worth Retired Police Officers Association luncheon at Ole South Pancake
House on November 12th. The ceremony was sponsored by the Captain Nathaniel
Mills Chapter NSDAR and pictured with Ron are DAR members Alice Stone and
Donna Moore, coordinator.
November 17, 2018
Compatriot Ken Cox presents the
Honorable Betsy Price, Mayor of
Fort Worth, with a certificate
from the Department of Veterans
Affairs’ Veterans Day National
Committee that designates the
city of Fort Worth as a Regional
Site for the Observance of Veterans
Day 2018.
November 17, 2018
The Honorable Betsy Price,
Mayor of Fort Worth, was our
guest speaker at the November
chapter meeting. Mayor Price
provided comments on the
status and reputation of the
City of Fort Worth.
November 17, 2018
President Gerry Gieger presented
the SAR Heroism Medal posthumously
to Fort Worth Police Officer
Garrett Hull, who was slain in the
line of duty in September 2018.
Accepting on behalf of the
Hull Family was Dalyne Hull,
mother of Fort Worth Police Officer
Garrett Hull.
November 17, 2018
President Gerry Gieger introduced new
members Roy Noack (r) and Roscoe Van Zandt III (l).
President Gieger administered the new
member oath. Compatriot James Alderman
pinned the new members with SAR rosettes.
December 7, 2018
Compatriot James Alderman carries a tray
of plated meals for serving to attendees
at the Annual Veterans Appreciation Luncheon
at Birchman Baptist Church in Fort Worth.
December 7, 2018
Come rain, sleet, or snow…
the North Texas SAR Color Guard is always
there. We proudly stood in the rain to
honor two WWII heroes at DFW National
Cemetery. Color Guard members are (l to r):
T.L. Holden, Bobby Gresham, Walt Thomas,
Gerry Gieger, Commander Ted Wilson,
Jerry Cope, Stephen Johnson, and
Tom Whitelock.
December 11, 2018
Compatriot Ron Turner presents
a Flag Certificate to
Alan Egerton, President,
DFW Historic Bear Creek
Cemetery Association.
December 15, 2018
Color Guard Commander Bobby Gresham (r)
and Arlington chapter members Jerry Cope
and his grandson, Marshall Cope,
participated in Wreaths Across America
at Emerald Hills Memorial Park in
Kennedale, Texas.
December 22, 2018
Armed Forces Bowl
TCU Amon Carter Stadium
2400+ US Flags were given out
in three hours.
December 22, 2018
Armed Forces Bowl
TCU Amon Carter Stadium
President Gerry Gieger talks with a veteran.
December 22, 2018
Armed Forces Bowl
TCU Amon Carter Stadium
Compatriot Ron Turner and
Jan Turner pass out
American flags.
December 22, 2018
Armed Forces Bowl
TCU Amon Carter Stadium
President Gerry Gieger and
Compatriot Ron Turner with
the DAR Ladies.
December 22, 2018
Armed Forces Bowl
TCU Amon Carter Stadium
President Gerry Gieger