(Our chapter officers generally serve a two year term effective January 1st through December 31st of the following year)
Greg Gilliland 903-753-5060
Richard Kuna jrkunalaw@sbcglobal.net, 903-530-5040
Carl Hedges Jr cfhedges@sbcglobal.net, 903-693-3880
Mickey Cole m24cole91@gmail.com, 903-399-9796
Richard Kuna jrkunalaw@sbcglobal.net, 903-530-5040
Mickey Cole m24cole91@gmail.com, 903-399-9796
J.D. Denton rkdenton@sbcglobal.net, 903-236-0896
Mickey Cole m24cole91@gmail.com, 903-399-9796