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East Texas Chapter #57 Longview

Texas Society

Sons of the American Revolution

Chapter Charter

The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

Know all Ye men
by these Presents that pursuant to
the Constitution and By–Laws
of the National and Texas Societies
of the Sons of the American Revolution
the aforesaid Society has certified East Texas No 57
as a Chapter of the Texas Society
of the Sons of the American Revolution by resolution.

Passed this 11th Day of March In the year of Our Lord 1995

Texas Society President

Texas Society Secretary

30 years
East Texas Chartered
Mar. 11, 1995


Charter Members

Charter Pic
  1. 1st Row
  2. Wesley Whatley -1st VP; Talmadge Booth - President; W D Northcutt - 2nd VP; Rev John Whitsell - Chaplain.
  3. 2nd Row
  4. Ed Messenger; Kenney Kimbrough - Secretary/Treasurer; Jim Daniels; Bill Roddy; Jay Barnard; Malcolm Phillips; O L Kimbrough; Sam Johnson; Edwin Booth; Franklin Martin; Alto Tatum; Marcus Welch; Kirk Shields.
  5. 3rd Row
  6. W R Northcutt; James Birdsong; J W Booth; Michael Northcutt

    Charter Pic