Libertas et Patria
Alexander B. Spencer
S. W. Scott
Albert C. McDavid
F. L. Hillyer
Jack Beretta
Herbert Spencer
Members of the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution,
Whereas, In pursuance of and according to Article II, Section 6, of the By-Laws of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution,
and also in accordancw with Articles of the Constitution of the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution,
you have made application to the Board of Managers of said State Society for authorty to form a Chapter,
to be called and known as San Antonio Chapter #4 to be located at San Antonio, in the County of Bexar and of which you are to be members; and
Whereas, The Board of Managers of this Society, by resolutions passed at a meeting of said Board on the 19th day of April 1930, granted said application;
Now, therefore, know ye that, reposing especial trust and confidence in your patriotism,
the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution does by these presents
authorize you to form a Chapter of this Society with the territory of the County of Bexar,
to be known as San Antonio Chapter, of the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution,
and we do further authorize and empower you to associate with yourself such other members of this or of any other State Society as may now,
or hereafter, reside within the said territory; and as a Chapter, to adopt such Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations
as do not conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Society or of this Society.
All members of this or any State Society residing with the teritory aforesaid shall be eligible to membership in this Chapter; but any member who shall be suspended,
expelled, or in any way lose membership in the State Society, shall thereupon cease to be a member of this Chapter,
and no person shall be admitted who is not a member of a State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
It is your sacred duty to revive and keep alive, especially within your territory, the spirit of pure and unselfish patriotism which inspired the Fathers of the Republic,
and diligently to promote the lofty aims and objects of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution,
to the end that our country may be preserved free, independent, and united; that enlightened constitutional government may be maintained,
and that peace and happiness, truth and justice, liberty and fraternity may be established.
Given under the seal of the Society on this 20th day of April in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty,
and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Fifty Fourth.