What do 16 of the last 24 Presidents have in common with 2400 Texas Men?

Harry S Truman
George H. W. Bush
Dwight D. Eisenhower
They are members of the Sons of the American Revolution**
(23) Benjamin Harrison
(25) William McKinley, Jr.
(26) Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
(27) William Howard Taft
(29) Warren Gamaliel Harding
(30) (John) Calvin Coolidge
(31) Herbert Clark Hoover
(32) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(33) Harry S Truman
(34) Dwight David Eisenhower
(36) Lyndon Baines Johnson
(38) Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.
(39) James Earl Carter, Jr.
(41) George Herbert Walker Bush
(43) George Walker Bush
**Except for Richard Nixon, the other 7 Presidents did not have a proven
ancestor that would qualify them for membership in the SAR.

TXSSAR President Nathan White
inducts former President
George H. W. Bush
into the SAR on May 1, 2001.

Fourth of July Parade
The purposes of the Sons of the American Revolution are Patriotic, Historical, and Educational.
These include:
- Perpetuating the memory of Revolutionary War Patriots.
- Promoting fellowship among their descendants.
- Encouraging historical research of the American Revolution.
- Preserving the records of Revolutionary War Patriots.
- Celebrating anniversaries of the Revolutionary War.
- Marking the locations of the Revolution events and its soldiers’ places of burial.
- Promotes patriotism among high school students through cash awards to the winners of patriotic oration and essay contests throughout the state.
- Supports the study of American History in the elementary schools of Texas through a poster contest.
- Honors outstanding citizens for service to their community.
- Honors many outstanding Junior and Senior ROTC cadets annually with the presentation of the ROTC award.
- Encourages excellence among American history teachers by sponsoring an annual contest for outstanding history teachers across the state. The outstanding history teacher receives a week’s trip to Valley Forge.
- Observes patriotic anniversaries.
- Assists veterans in VA Hospitals.
- Participates in new citizenship swearing-in ceremonies.

Recognizing outstanding
Law Enforcement officers
The Texas Society is the largest of all the SAR
Societies with 49 Chapters and 2400 Members.

Visiting with retired military personnel
at the VA Hospital

Honoring outstanding
JROTC Cadets
SAR Membership Requirements
Any man of age eighteen years or over who is a lineal descendent of an ancestor who supported the war for American Independence is eligible for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution. These Ancestors are referred to as Revolutionary war Patriots and include those persons who fought in the military and/or militia, who served on political bodies supporting the Revolution, and/or who signed oaths of support and similar acts.
If you believe that you may be eligible for SAR membership, contact:
Kim Morton
1823 Willow Point
Kingwood, TX 77339-2356
Texas Society Sons of the American Revolution
You can print this information in a double-sided, full color brochure by downloading the following file:
TXXSAR Brochure.pdf - Adobe Reader format (269k)