Edmund Terrill Chapter #34 Sherman

Texas Society

Sons of the American Revolution


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Message from Acting President Gary Sisson:


This year (2025) we will begin meeting on the third Saturday morning of each odd-numbered month at Grandy’s on Texoma Parkway in Sherman, with optional coffee/breakfast and fellowship at 8:30am and the meeting beginning at 9:30am sharp and ending around 10:30. The program for our Saturday, January 18th meeting is an exciting presentation by Compatriot Bill Watts of the Dallas Chapter concerning Benjamin Franklin (see photo below). It will be well worth your attendance!!! Bring your friends and family members!

Dr. Gary N. Sisson, Acting President

You may also contact us for more information!

The next meeting will be at the following location beginning

Our meetings are open to all chapter and visiting Compatriots, prospective members and guests. Candidates should select our Membership menu Joining Info link for more information. Our chapter is small and growing. All guests are welcome!