Alexander Hamilton Chapter #66 Certification
Alexander Hamilton Chapter #66 Constitution
Alexander Hamilton Chapter #66 By-Laws
Alexander Hamilton’s Oath of Allegiance, May 12th, 1778 from the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, National Archives of New York
Alexander Hamilton, born in the British West Indies, chose to join the Revolutionary War while studying in New Jersey. He would later become the first Secretary of the Treasury and the founder of the Federalist Party in the United States of America.
Hamilton famously served as George Washington’s aide-de-camp for much of the war, including for most of the time the Continental Army camped at Valley Forge from December 1777 to June 1778. In February 1778, to ensure loyalty, Congress passed a resolution requiring all officers of the army take an oath of allegiance. Hamilton—and many other officers, including George Washington himself—signed their oaths while at Valley Forge in May 1778.
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