The Chapter was named after Ambassador Fletcher Warren. He was one of the founding members. He was a graduate of the University of Texas and served in France during WWI with the Quartermaster Corp of the Army. He was one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's intelligence officers and was on duty in Washington December 7, 1941. The following is his obituary which was published on January 11, 1992.
"GREENVILLE, Tex., Jan. 10 - Fletcher Warren, a former United States Ambassador to Nicaragua, Paraguay, Venezuela and Turkey, died on Wednesday. He was 95 years old."
"As Ambassador to Turkey, Mr. Warren signed three defense treaties in 1958 with Turkey, Iran and Pakistan that welded the United States more firmly to the anti-Communist security agreement known as the Baghdad Pact. The pact also included Britain and Iraq, though Iraq withdrew from the agreement soon after its pro-Western Government was overthrown in 1958 by military officers."
"A native of Wolfe City, Tex., Mr. Warren entered the diplomatic service in 1921. His first overseas assignment was Havana, and he served later in Colombia, Hungary and Latvia. He was successively Ambassador to Nicaragua, Paraguay and Venezuela in the 1940's and 1950's, and to Turkey from 1956 until he retired in 1961."
"He is survived by his wife of 70 years, the former Wilhelmina Kuenstler, two brothers and a sister."
The Ambassador Fletcher Warren Chapter of the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution serves Hunt & Hopkins Counties and the surrounding areas.
Oct. 10, 1987, 2nd Organizational Meeting of the Ambassador Fletcher Warren Chapter. It was at this meeting the chapter name was selected and officers elected.
Oct. 10, 1987,
Ambassador Fletcher Warren;
Lt. Gen. John M. Wright, Jr. TXSSAR President
Standing (l-r):
Harold Simpson;
Tom Oliver;
William C. Adams; Blaine C. Willhoite, Chapter & TXSSAR 6th Dist. Vice President;
William C. Duck, Founding President;
H. Wayne Werner;
E. B. "Pete" Gladding, Founding Vice President;
Col. Joe M. Hill, Jr., TXSSAR Secretary/Treasurer