March 21, 2024 - Texas SAR Historian, John Anderson ================================================================== This Archive path is for PUBLIC-ACCESS. Please do not delete this file! It is used to readily identify where you are within the Texas SAR Archives. A document should be considered public, except if it contains any of the following: private-email, private-phone, private-street-address, birthday, SSN, and for some Junior members. Note1 - The current Texas SAR policy is Junior member information and photos will be deemed PRIVATE, unless a parental release form is obtained to permit public exposure. Note2 - Chapter officers sometimes release their email and phone on chapter websites. Those type documents are public. a public email is one such as a private email is one such as a public phone is an office phone, etc a private phone is your personal phone, and/or cell Using the previous University of North Texas Special Collections guideline, if a document contains any of the above, then it MUST BE CONSIDERED PRIVATE for 25 years past the original document date. Some documents and photos may not be found on chapter website, but they may be found in chapter archives. Photos without a meaning descriptions are discouraged. The recommended Texas SAR Archive hierarchy is: For public files not necessarily on a webpage: public Texas SAR Chapter docs, photos, etc should be placed under and public Texas SAR State docs, photos, etc should be placed under For private files, login is required: private Texas SAR Chapter docs, photos, etc should be placed under /!!TXS!!SAR!!/private-archives/ChapterName/ and private Texas SAR State docs, photos, etc should be placed under /!!TXS!!SAR!!/private-archives/TexasSAR/ All most all archived items were converted to .pdf format, including photos to provide a lossless manner to avoid future decoding and recoding issues. ================================================================== For best Archive searches, the ../public-archives/sub-folder/filenames are organized to assist keyword searches. o See for the details. o Upper/lower case does not matter. The search engine ingors case. o If a date is searched, use a format of YYYYMMDD, or YYYYMM. o Keywords with descriptions assist a search o Special characters as search criteria is unnecessary.