March 5, 2024 - Texas SAR Historian, John Anderson A document should be consider public, except if it contains any of the following: (private-email, private-phone, private-street-address, birthday, SSN) Using the previous University of North Texas Special Collections guideline, if a document contains any of the above, then it MUST BE CONSIDERED PRIVATE for 25 years past the original document date. The recommended Texas SAR Archive hierarchy is for: For public files not necessarily on a webpage: public Texas SAR State docs, photos, etc should be placed under public Texas SAR Chapter docs, photos, etc should be placed under For private files not necessarily on a webpage: Private Texas SAR State docs, photos, etc should be placed under /!!TXS!!SAR!!/private-archives/TexasSAR Private Texas SAR Chapter docs, photos, etc should be placed under /!!TXS!!SAR!!/theirChapterName/private-archives For best searches of files, use filenames of: o Use upper and lower cases as you deem fit. Case is ignored by search engines. o Date followed by Description; YYYYMMDD is best followed by meaningfull description. o Space between filename parts; i.e. not ChapterCharter, but use Chapter Charter. o Do not use commas, dashes, underscores or special characters. If you use # infront of chapter number, then search must also use it. Therefore, avoid #. ==================================================================