November 12, 2005
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. in the Dallas Room at the Embassy Suites, (13131 North Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas) by Chapter President, Tom Whitelock.� Most members had previously processed through the breakfast line.
Chaplain Frank Pounders reported Gary Sisson was on sick call and the Chaplain then proceeded to give the Invocation for the day.��
Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas Flag and salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots Sgt at Arms Bob Tanner, Lauri Crapo and Jack Carney.� Immediate Past Chapter President Judge Tracy Pounders led us in the singing of "America".� President Whitelock then reported that the chapter received much good publicity on TV, radio and in print due to its color guard activity at the preceding day�s Veteran�s Day parade.
The President next recognized a total of thirteen guests which included a number of prospective members, wives, and Compatriot Lauri Crapo, the President of the Blaine Wilhoite Chapter.�� PCP and Jokemeister Art Ingalls then enlivened everyone with the joke for the day.��
It was announced by President Whitelock that the 2006 National Congress, to be in held in Dallas, has an organizing committee under President General Elect Nathan White.� The Committee has asked that the Dallas Chapter be the lead chapter in a special project of transporting of delegates by our own personal automobiles to Storybook Ranch for one of the convention dinners.� In addition, President General Elect White looks forward to having a contingent of 100 TXSSAR Color Guard members at the Congress.�
In preparation for the 2006 National Congress, President Whitelock stated that our chapter will make a major push to tabulate as many activity points as possible for TXSSAR and to regain our rightful place as the number one chapter nationally.� Dallas dual-member Chuck Bragg from Indiana was invited to speak on his current NSSAR campaign to be elected as Genealogist General in 2006.� At the same time, he also made his annual donation to the TXSSAR Patriot Fund with a request for other Compatriots to also contribute $25 along with their dues payment.
By motion from Frank Pounders and a second from PCP Cliff Slagle, the reading of Minutes of the previous meeting (as posted on the website) was waived and approved by a unanimous voice vote.�� Registrar, James Templin being absent, Ralph McDowell announced that Matt Courtney was invested as a new chapter member and presented him with roll of Massachusetts quarters for his newly-born son.� The quarters were given in honor of Courtney�s Revolutionary War ancestor who was from Massachusetts.� Compatriot McDowell then gave a report that we now have a total of 306 members.�
Treasurer Allen Christian reported that 25� members were in attendance and that the checking account was at $1,149.13.�� The Minuteman Fund had a balance of $7,961.43 and the Richie Fund totaled $27,022.45.�
Chapter Veterans Affairs Co-chairman James Fairbairn then made a request for reading materials to be donated for the Veterans hospitals in Dallas and Bonham.� Compatriot Whitelock commended the volunteers who manned our information table at the State Fair.� Cliff Slagle reported that there were over 100 prospective members from throughout the state that made contact with our table in the DAR Continental House on the Fair Grounds.� Compatriot Slagle further reported that we are currently expediting the membership application of Marine Karl Klammer, who was� a former C.A.R. member and will soon be redeployed back to Iraq.
DAR liaison Jack Carney advised that a number of DAR members would be invited to attend the December chapter meeting.� The program will consist of a colonial dancing instruction.� Due to the expected large number of guests, we may meet in a larger room in December.� C.A.R. liaison Judge Pounders had nothing to report today on the C.A.R.� At that point, President Whitelock described his efforts to obtain a C.A.R. member from Dallas to enter their oration contest.
Nomination Committee Chairman Judge Tracy Pounders, along with committee members PCP Jack Carney and PCP Cliff Slagle, announced the following nominations for the 2006 term:
President |
Tom Smith |
Registrar |
Jim Templin |
1st Vice President |
Charles Baker |
Historian |
unfilled |
2nd Vice President |
Bob Clark |
Sgt. at Arms |
Robert Tanner |
Secretary |
Allen Christian |
(The Sgt at Arms position� actually requires appointment by the
President.) |
Treasurer |
Byron Christian |
Chaplain |
Frank Pounders |
A motion was then made that the nominations be closed and that the nominees be elected by acclamation.� The motion passed unanimously.� The election will be held in December, with installation in January. �Second Vice President Charles Baker introduced Pearl Harbor survivor Paul Ferguson and awarded him the SAR War Service Medal.� The First Vice President introduced Grady Fairbairn who introduced our speaker for the day,� Major General Jerry Ragsdale.�� General Ragsdale spoke about the Air National Guard.� At the conclusion of his speech, General Ragsdale was presented with a certificate of appreciation and another token of thanks by the chapter in the form of a small gift.
President Whitelock then made an inquiry as to whether any chapter members had any expertise in the public relations field in order to assist with promotion and publicity in connection with next year�s national congress in Dallas.� Next we sang Happy Birthday to the eighteen chapter members with November birthdays, particularly Hank Goldwire and Douglas Peabody who were in attendance.� Compatriot McDowell passed out plates of birthday cake and Vice President Smith honored Hank with a bottle of champagne for being 90 years young.
After the door prize drawing, the Benediction was given by Chaplain Pounders, which was followed by the SAR Closing led by President Whitelock, who adjourned the meeting at 9:59 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Clark
Secretary, Dallas Chapter-TXSSAR