Minutes of� the Meeting of the Dallas Chapter


October 8, 2005


The meeting was called to order at 8:02 a.m. in the Dallas Room at the Embassy Suites, (13131 North Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas) by Chapter President, Tom Whitelock.� Most members had previously processed through the breakfast line.


Chaplain Frank Pounders reported no Compatriot on sick call and the Chaplain then proceeded to give the Invocation for the day.��


Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas Flag and salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots Jack Carney, D.A. Sharp and Glenn Toal.� Immediate Past Chapter President Judge Tracy Pounders led us in the singing of "America".� President Whitelock mentioned that as part of his duty to publicize the work of our chapter, he has received an agreement of interest from the Mesquite community radio station KEOM to play on the radio vignettes of historical stories about SAR member�s patriot ancestors.� They are also considering plans for the station to interview delegates to next year�s national SAR Congress in Dallas.� This is hoped to excite the public in American history and to publicize our chapter.


President Whitelock then introduced and thanked our head greater, Rick Fawkes who received special assistance from Past Librarian General Lloyd Bockstruck.� The President next recognized a total of ten guests, including prospective members, and Lauri Crapo, the President of the Blaine Wilhoite Chapter.�� FCP and Jokemeister Art Ingalls then enlivened everyone with the joke for the day.�� It was also announced that the unique national SAR website has been updated.


By motion from Mark Hanson and a second from Judge Tracy Pounders, the reading of Minutes of the previous meeting (as posted on the website) was waived and approved by a unanimous voice vote.�� Registrar, James Templin, gave a report that we now have 306 members.� It was announced by State SAR Inland Registrar Mike Radcliff that the national society is up to date in approving membership applications.


Treasurer Allen Christian reported that 38� members were in attendance and that the checking account was at $1,427.03.�� The Minuteman Fund had a balance of $7,918.06 and the Richie Fund totaled $26,877.26.


Chapter President Whitelock made announcements about our information table September 30 to October 23 at the Continental DAR House located on the grounds of the State Fair.� Schedules for volunteers with dates were available from PCPs Cliff Slagle and Ralph McDowell.


President Whitelock then announced that he had sent a number of materials to the various V.A. Hospitals.� The President also announced that our color guard will participate in the November 11, 2005 Veteran�s Day Parade.� It was also announced that Major Gen. Jerry Ragsdale, of the office of Veteran�s Affairs, will be the November speaker.� This was followed by a general discussion about the chapter newsletters being cut back to every other month.


DAR liaison Jack Carney advised that a number of DAR members would be invited to attend the December chapter meeting.� The program will consist of a colonial dancing instruction.� Due to the expected large number of guests, we may meet in a larger room in December.� C.A.R.liaison Judge Pounders had nothing to report today on the C.A.R.� At that point, President Whitelock described that he presented a gift to the DAR Regent�s Council at the Constitution Day Brunch.


In regards to possible awards for the chapter at the next National SAR Congress, President Whitelock� challenged the members to help take back the SAR President�s Cup by increased efforts and record keeping.� Dick Arnold announced that he and Mike Radcliff are currently trying to obtain patterns for lightweight, inexpensive Revolutionary War uniforms for the color guard characteristics as proscribed by Gen. George Washington.� This will help facilitate our efforts to increase the membership of the color guard prior to the next National Congress in Dallas.


First Vice President Tom Smith gave an Americanism program on the subject of �the other 9/11�.��� Next, we sang Happy Birthday to the eighteen chapter members with October birthdays, particularly to PCP Ralph McDowell, Chaplain Frank Pounders and Martin Lyford who were in attendance. �The President introduced the speaker for the day, Secretary Bob Clark, who spoke about the Aztec Club of 1847, a hereditary society founded by American officers of the Mexican War.� At the conclusion of his speech, Clark was presented with a token of appreciation by the chapter in the form of a small gift.


After the door prize drawing, the Benediction was given by Chaplain Pounders, which was followed by the SAR Closing led by President Whitelock, who adjourned the meeting at 9:33 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Bob Clark

Secretary, Dallas Chapter-TXSSAR