Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter

TXSSAR Sons of the American Revolution

May 14, 2005

Chapter President Tom Whitelock called the meeting to order at 8:04 am at the Crowne Plaza Suites, 7800 Alpha Road, Dallas, Texas. The President announced that due to financial and editorial staff considerations the newsletter will now be issued in paper form bimonthly rather than monthly.

Chaplain Frank Pounders reported that no Compatriots were noted in the sick call but asked all to keep Compatriot Arnold in their prayers since his wife recently passed away. He then led the members in the Invocation.

Compatriots Don Stone (State Historian), Martin Lyford and FCP Dick Arnold respectively led pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas Flag and salute to the SAR Flag. The NY Regimental Fife & Drum Corp Band recording of the National Anthem was played on our new portable sound system. Members were asked to proceed to the breakfast line in order by table number.

Prior to reconvening the business meeting at 8:30 am, the Chapter President continued playing a patriotic musical interlude. Head Greeter Rick Fawkes recognized John Morton as his assistant for the morning's "welcome line". A total of thirty-eight guests (spouses and DAR members included) were acknowledged. Chapter Humorist FCP Art Ingalls enlivened us with a joke for the day.

Treasurer Allen Christian reported that 57 members were in attendance and that the checking account was at $2,524.70, the Minuteman Fund had $7,849.54, and the Richie Fund balance is $26,442.35. By motion from the floor and seconded, a voice vote approved the report.

By motion from the floor by Frank Pounders and a second by FCP Judge Pounders, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, as posted on the website, were waived and approved by voice vote. Chapter Registrar Mel McCoy announced that the current membership was now 279 with a number of pending applications. TXSSAR President Dr. James Heath installed five new members with the oath of membership. They were Robert Tanner Jr., Kenneth Bell, Paul Bowden, Robert Tanner Sr. and Stephen Barnard.

FCPs Ralph McDowell and Cliff Slagle presented VSM Medal awards to Bert Huls and Dick Jones for their services to our veterans. The Chapter President awarded the twenty-five year pin and certificate to FCP Col. E. Graham Martin.

1st Vice President Tom Smith next introduced our Guest Speaker, Past Librarian General Lloyd Bockstruck, who spoke about Gen. Henry Knox of the American Revolution. State President Dr. James Heath then presented our Compatriot Lloyd Bockstruck with the high honor of a Gold Good Citizenship Medal, which had recently been approved by the National SAR Board of Managers. This is one of the highest awards of the NSSAR. The Chapter President also presented Lloyd with a binder of letters from various officers and officials congratulating him on his high honor.

The SAR closing was led by President Whitelock, followed by the Benediction by Art Ingalls. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Clark, Secretary-Dallas Chapter