Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter

TXSSAR Sons of the American Revolution

April 9, 2005


Chapter President Tom Whitelock called the meeting to order at 8:00 am in the Bistro Room at the Crowne Plaza Suites, 7800 Alpha Road, Dallas, Texas.   The President announced that due to financial considerations the newsletter will now be issued in paper form bimonthly rather than monthly.  An announcement was made that F. Lib. Gen. Lloyd Bockstruck would be honored with a Gold Good Citizenship medal at the May SAR meeting and that representatives from the DAR and TXSSAR officers will be invited.


Chaplain Frank Pounders reported that no Compatriots were noted in the sick call as he lead the members in the Invocation. 


Compatriots Jim Templin, Mike McKinney and Bill Bernard respectively led pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas Flag and salute to the SAR Flag.  FCP Judge Tracy Pounders was in strong voice as he led us in the singing of "America". President Whitelock then called for all to remember to let the guests and ladies be first as the head table led the way to the breakfast line.


Prior to reconvening the business meeting at 8:30 am, the President continued playing a patriotic musical interlude. Head Greeter Rick Fawkes recognized Glenn Toal as his assistant for the morning's "welcome line”.   A total of eight guests (spouses included) were acknowledged.   Chapter Humorist FCP Art Ingalls enlivened us with a joke for the day.


Treasurer Allen Christian reported that 31 members were in attendance and that the checking account was at $407.73, the Minuteman Fund had $7,083.93, and the Richie Fund balance is $26,455.92.  Voice vote approval of the report was made after Mike McKinney's motion and Cliff Slagle’s second. 


Second Vice President Charles Baker presented Chapter First VP Tom Smith with a prize for winning the Chapter’s Revolutionary War trivia contest.  VP Baker announced that Terminal B, Gate 39, will be the location of the upcoming “welcome home” to troops on April 26th by the Dallas Chapter.


By motion from the floor by Frank Pounders and a second by FCP Judge Pounders, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting were waived and approved by voice vote.  State Registrar (Inland) and new Dallas chapter dual member Mike Radcliff reported that eight Dallas membership applications had been approved by NSSAR.  Chapter Registrar Mel McCoy announced that the current membership  was now 275 with a number of pending applications.  New member certificates for new chapter members Carl Samuel Morgan, Robert William Tanner, Robert William Tanner Jr., Stephen Harold Bernard and Gilbert Pitts have been received by the TXSSAR secretary.


President Whitelock then announced that Bert Hul will receive the SAR Service Medal (VSM) for his services to our veterans at the next meeting.   As our monthly Americanism program, Mike McKinney then gave a report about the lineage of the family of President Thomas Jefferson, who were his ancestors.


1st Vice President Tom Smith next introduced our Guest Speaker, Richard Stanford, who spoke about the history of American currency.  VP Smith presented a miniature Liberty Bell and Certificate of Appreciation for his very informative speech.


Door prizes were won by Martin Lyford and William Richardson.


The SAR closing was led by President Whitelock, followed by the Benediction from Chaplain Pounders.   The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Bob Clark, Secretary-Dallas Chapter