Dallas Chapter Meeting - Crowne Plaza Suites

January 8, 2005

Dallas Chapter President Tracy Pounders called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m., with comments about the generosity of the American people and the American spirit in providing aid, both corporately and privately, for aid and relief to the tsunami survivors. Many of those who have accused the U.S. of slow response have only offered loans to the countries affected by the tsunami. He called for a quiet time of prayer for the survivors.

Chaplain Frank Pounders announced the death of Compatriot Robert Walker McKellar and led the opening prayer.

Honors to the American, Texas, and SAR Flag were led by Jack Carney, Martin Lyford, and Jim Templin. Tracy led in the singing of "America." Sergeant-at-Arms Glen Toal directed the stampede to breakfast, and the meeting was recessed.

At 8:30, President Pounders reconvened the meeting, with Head Greeter Glen Toal introducing greeters. Eleven guests were introduced.

Comedian Art Ingalls educated the group.

Registrar Mel McCoy announced that we have 301 members. He also announced 4 new supplements and 3 new members.

President-Elect Tom Whitelock swore in new Compatriot Garland T. Fairbairn.

FCP Ralph McDowell again requested members to report veterans activities.

2nd VP Tom Smith announced and presented awards:

- A Large Membership Certificate to FCP Danny Wilson.
- Perfect Attendance Certificate to Tracy Pounders.
- Perfect Attendance Certificate (5 consecutive years) to Tom Whitelock.
- Perfect Attendance Certificate (11 consecutive years) to Ralph McDowell.

Treasurer Elvin Brown gave the Treasurer's Report:

36 members and 11 guests in attendance.
- Checking: $1,263.74
- Minuteman Fund: $8,265.39
- Ritchie Fund: $27,041.87

Shopper Program Income:

- Albertson's $46.53
- Kroger's $230.94
- Tom Thumb $165.81
- School POP $357.57

Total Affinity Programs: $800.75

Report accepted unanimously.

In the absence of Secretary Charles Baker, Secretary-Elect Robert Clark, Jr. read the December, 2004 Dallas Chapter Meeting Minutes.

Minutes approved unanimously.

President Pounders called on Chaplain Frank Pounders who led the annual memorial service. Frank read and honored the names of Theodore Hasbrook, Jr.,Theodore Martin, Robert Walker McKellar, and Ralph Wilcox.

President Pounders called the names of Art Ingalls, Cliff Slagle, Ralph McDowell, William Welch, Bob Coursey (absent), Allen Christian, Jack Carney, Glen Toal, Jim Templin, Frank Pounders, Mel McCoy, Elvin Brown, Charles Baker (absent), Earl Thomas Smith, and Tom M. Whitelock, to whom he presented pocket knives and Certificates of Appreciation for work done on behalf of the Dallas Chapter during 2004.

President Pounders presented a special super-duper officer survival kit to each new officer. He then turned the gavel over to FSPs Graham Martin and Robert Coker who gave a brief history of the Dallas Chapter Officer Installation Ceremony. Martin then called on Treasurer-General Nathan White who swore in the new officers. (Elizabeth Pounders held up a picture of Charles Baker with right hand raised, so he could be sworn in in absentia.)

FCP Tracy Pounders presented the gavel and neck ribbon to Tom M. Whitelock.

Nathan White reminded the Compatriots present of their obligation to support the officers of the chapter.

Frank Pounders led a prayer for the officers.

Chapter President Whitelock thanked the Compatriots and presented a book on the Presidents of the United States to FCP Tracy Pounders.

Tom called on Nathan White to discuss the 2006 SAR Congress which will be hosted by the Dallas Chapter along with other Dallas area chapters. He challenged us to convince attendees why Texas is "The Friendly State."

Tom also challenged members to help make the general public more aware of the SAR.

Elvin Brown held the door prize drawing.

Tom passed Rick Fawkes' tri-corn hat to collect a tip for the busboys, and he presented Tracy with a past president's pin.

Following the Benediction Prayer by Chaplain Pounders and SAR Closing, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. H. Charles Baker
Secretary, Dallas Chapter