Dallas Chapter Meeting

October 9, 2004

President Tracy Pounders called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with an update on First VP Tom Whitelock's condition. These comments are published in the November Newsletter. Tracy also declared a moment of silent prayer for Tom.

Chaplain Frank Pounders led those present in prayer for health, freedom, and prosperity.

Honors to the USA, Texas, and SAR flags were led by Bert Huls, Bob Spence, and Bill Richardson, respectively. Tracy led in the singing of "America."

Acting Sergeant-at-Arms Glen Toal directed the stampede to breakfast while the meeting was put on "hold."

Tracy reconvened the meeting at 8:20.

Three guests were introduced, notably Mel McCoy's wife, Judy McCoy, who had received a very favorable report from the doctor the previous day. Treasurer Elvin Brown announced that 28 members were present.

Ralph McDowell educated the group with a humorous interlude.

Mel McCoy announced that we now have 292 members and 13 in the mill.

Cliff Slagle reported on the progress in signing up new prospective members at the SAR table in the Jane Douglas Chapter DAR House at the State Fair. About 20 new prospects so far.

Ralph McDowell reported on the Veterans Day Parade in Downtown Dallas at 11 a.m. on November 11. We will muster at the corner of Houston and Young Streets, and march up Young to City Hall.

Awards VP Tom Smith requested nominations for the Firemen's Award. He also read a letter from U.S. President and Compatriot George W. Bush congratulating the Dallas Chapter on its 75th Anniversary.

The Minutes of the September 11 meeting , as posted on the website, were approved.

Treasurer Elvin Brown reported $1847.21 in checking, $8236.78 in the Minuteman Fund, and $27,766.78 in the Richie Fund. Report accepted.

Americanism presentation was given by a descendent of Thomas McSpadden, Tracy Pounders.

Tracy presented Certificates of Appreciation to participants in the August 31 "Welcome the Troops" event: Dick Arnold, Paul Ferguson, James Fairbairn, Cliff Slagle, Henrietta Slagle, David Stewart, Ralph McDowell, Mel McCoy, Jim Templin, Martin Lyford, Tom Smith, Tom Whitelock, Charles Reed, Charles Baker, and Barbara Baker.

Bill Richardson introduced our speaker, George Susat, a Revolutionary War Reinactor, artist, architect, and historian. Also an authority on weapons, Susat showed and described various weapons used in the War, and showed pictures of some reinactment scenes.

Awards VP Tom Smith presented Mr. Susat with a Certificate of Appreciation and a miniature Liberty Bell.

Elvin Brown held the door prize drawing and distributed prizes.

Following the Benediction Prayer by Chaplain Pounders and the SAR Closing, the meeting was recessed at 9:25. It reconvened at Tom Whitelock's home at 1:25 p.m. for a discussion of appointing a Chairman for the Annual Report Audit Committee. John Morton was appointed, and the meeting dismissed at 2:30.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. H. Charles Baker
Secretary, Dallas Chapter