Dallas Chapter Meeting
April 10, 2004

President Tracy Pounders called the meeting to order at 8:01 a.m., with a call for a moment of silence to remember the members of the armed services and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Chaplain Frank Pounders gave the Sick Call: Theodore Martin, a member of the Dallas Chapter, and brother of Graham Martin, passed away on April 9, 2004.

Respective pledges to the American, Texas, and SAR Flags were led by Bert Huls, Graham Martin, and John Warterfield. President Pounders led in the singing of "America."

Acting Sergeant-at-Arms Glenn Toal directed the hungry stampede to breakfast.

The meeting reconvened at 8:30, with SAA Toal introducing the greeters, Rick Fawkes and Gerald Howard. Guests were introduced, and Art Ingalls educated the group in his unique way.

Mel McCoy, Registrar, reported the current chapter membership stands at 288, with 10 applications in the stream. For this meeting, 28 members and 11 guests were present.

North Texas Militia Commander Charles Baker announced various color guard opportunities for the next three months, with a plea for more members to get uniforms:

1. John Abston Grave Marking Ceremony at 2 p.m. on April 10
2. Providence Christian School Colonial Day Flag Program, 8 a.m. on April 27
3. National Polkafest Parade in Ennis, TX at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 29
4. Back-ups needed for Flag Presentation at First Baptist Church Sunnyvale on Sunday, May 30
5. City of Dallas Annual Memorial Day Commemoration at 1 p.m. on Monday, May 31
6. Flag Day Program at Valley View Mall on June 14
7. Various Independence Day Parades at 9 a.m. on July 3

Compatriot Ralph McDowell, substituting for 2nd V.P. Tom Smith, requested additional volunteers to present various awards and medals in the junior high and senior high schools in the area.Treasurer Elvin Brown reported the following balances as of the end of March:

Checking & Cash: $4,004.55
Minuteman Fund: $8,214.80
Ritchie Fund: $27,132.19

CAR Liaison Robert Coursey reported that the CAR State Convention went well.

President Tracy Pounders asked for a volunteer to be the Chapter Historian, as that office is currently vacant.

Compatriot John L. Morton gave an Americanism presentation on the meanings within theSAR logo.

President Pounders presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Compatriot Bill Welch for his work on the Essay Contest.

First V.P. Tom Whitelock introduced Dr. Frank L. Baker, Professor at the Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, who gave an intriguing and well-documented presentation on colonial-to-modern dentistry. John Greenwood, as the dentist who made George Washington's dentures, is known as the Father of American Dentistry. Patriot Paul Revere was the Father of Dental Forensics.

Chaplain Frank Pounders led the SAR Closing and pronounced the benediction. The meeting was adjourned by President Tracy Pounders.

Respectfully submitted,
Charles Baker
Secretary, Dallas Chapter