August 9, 2003

Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR


The meeting was called to order at 8:02 AM at Crown Plaza Suites-Dallas Park Central (7800 Alpha Road Dallas, Texas) by Chapter President, Jack Carney, who welcomed the 38 attending members and 15 guests. With no members being reported on "sick-call", Chaplain Frank Pounders proceeded with the Invocation.

Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, the Texas State Flag and salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots: Mark Pacheco, Danny Wilson & Nick Gilliam, Sr.; after which, 1st VP Tracy Pounders led the attendees in singing America. Sergeant-at-Arms, Bill Richardson, outlined an orderly call for members to the breakfast line.

The regular business meeting resumed at 8:36 AM when Ralph McDowell introduced Com- patriots Burt Huls and Danny Wilson as this morning's greeters. Welcome applause was extended to guests : Henrietta Slagle (DAR), Sarah Carney (DAR), Montye Whitelock, Barbara Smith, Mari Omberg, Betty Hay (DAR), Barbara Baker (DAR), Elizabeth Read (DAR), State Historian, Dr. James Johnson, Paul Furgeson, William Barnard, John Withers, Jr., Sam Whitten, Andrew Meaders and Frank Wilson.

The Americanism program on America's own 100 Years War was presented by President Carney.

Afterwards he called Compatriot McDowell to the podium to recognize the fact that on August 29th is John Goldwire Day (having arrived from England 279 years ago) and that celebrating the occasion will be member Hank Goldwire with a shot of Chivas Regal. Ralph could only muster up a minature bottle of Glenlevet, but was willing to share a toast with Hank. Ralph also noted that Hank is the man responsible for Door Prize donations of "Patriotic Jelly." He next recounted the past humorous glories of FCP Art Ingalls for which President Carney presented Art with a large Membership Certificate in appreciation of his many years of service to the Chapter. Art decided to remain at the podium long enough to regale us with two short stories that kept his joke record intact.

Charles Baker reported on the July 4th parade events that Chapter members participated in at Lake Highlands and Highland Park. After reading a "Thank you note" from the sponsoring HP Rotary, he called forward Troop 890 Asistant Scoutmaster Ken Meaders & son Andrew as well as Troop 80 Scoutmaster, John Withers, Jr., for special Appreciation Certificates and participant awards.

Hank Goldwire, having returned back to the meeting room, was then awarded the Appreciation Certificate for his continual "Jelly donations." FCP Dick Arnold escorted WWII Vet, Paul Furgeson to the podium for a presentation of Appreciation Certificates to him and the Cavenaugh Flight Museum.

The Secretary's Minutes of the previous meeting (having been distributed and posted on the web site) were approved by motion, second and voice vote. Tom Smith's Treasurer's report reflected that cash and checking balances totaled $ 4068.58 and that the new sum for the Minuteman ($8182.42) and Smith-Richie Fund ($27,052.42) is $35,234.84. The report was approved by voice vote.

DAR Liaison, John Warterfield, again reminded the Compatriots that the annual Constitutional Week Brunch will be held September 20, 2003 (10:00 AM till noon) at the Oak Cliff Country Club and that the Guest Speaker will be our own chapter member Lloyd Bockstruck. John circulated registration forms and started collecting fees. Mrs. Read thanked the Chapter for their continual participation and for donating our Colony Flags for display during their event.

Chapter Registrar, Mel McCoy, reported that our total membership stands at 294. He also noted that we have six pending memberships.

President Carney asked FCP Cliff Slagle to come forward to report on the recent BOM conference. Cliff noted that the Dallas Chapter (with the assistance of Compatriots from Plano and McKinney) had agreed to host the meeting after Waco was unable to sustain their hotel contract. In turn, he asked Tom & Barbara Smith, Henrietta Slagle, Tom & Montye Whitelock

to join him at the podium to present them with Certificates of Appreciation and Medals for their hard work on such short notice in "pulling it off" for a successful meeting. In addition, Ralph Mc

Dowell was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for assisting at the Registration table (and selling the most Raffle Tickets).

Bob Clark mentioned that his daughter, (as was everyone in attendance at the Sat. dinner), was very impressed by the patriotic program of Dave Tanner, and Cliff stated that we would probably try to reschedule him again when we host the National in 2006. President Carney thanked Cliff for all his outstanding work on the BOM and reported that TXSSAR had presented the Chapter a Certificate of Appreciation for hosting the event. As a State Officer, Historian James Johnson congratulated the Chapter, to which President Carney replied that during Dr. Johnson's Archieves Committee meeting, he had received the retired Adrien F. Drouilhet Award plaque. It showed that Dallas had won 10 of 12 past years for having the Most Members Under 50 Years of Age. (Of course it was lifted out of Jack's hands very quickly for safe keeping by last year's Historian).

The President commented that our goal this year is to collect enough SAR Activity points to aid TXSSAR in knocking off Georgia at National or as Compatriot Whitelock penned on a record chart at the rear of the room; "Lets BEAT the PEACH."

The Guest Speaker (Dallas Historical Society Chief Operating Officer, Frank Wilson) was introduced by 1st V.P. Tracy Pounders, who emphasized the importance of his organization to the people of Dallas & Texas. Mr. Wilson related a number of interesting stories that kept the attendees glued to their seats. He also noted that G.B. Dealy was the one who said "that no city can become great unless it tracks its history," so he helped organize the original 101 Citizens that formed the DHS. A unique fact that he shared, was that Texas is one of a very few States that celebrates its 1836 independence date (as once a separate Republic nation) and not on a date for when it joined the Union. After his very informative and well-received speech, he was presented with the Guest Speaker Certificate and a replica of the Liberty Bell.

Today's "Door Prize" winners were Mel McCoy, Gerald Irion and Hank Vogle.

Compatriot Tom Hill led the membership in the SAR Closing, and prior to the meeting's adjournment at 9:50AM, Chaplain Frank Pounders gave the Benediction.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom M. Whitelock

Secretary, Dallas Chapter