March 8, 2003

Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR


The meeting was called to order at 8:04 am at Luby's Cafeteria (6221 E. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas) by presiding Chapter President Cliff Slagle.

Chaplain Frank Pounders reported no members were on the sick-call and gave the invocation for the day. The following Compatriots respectively led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Salute to the Texas Flag & Salute to the SAR Flag: Tom Whitelock, Bert Huls and Mark Hansen. In the absence of our song leader Gary Sisson, Tracy Pounders volunteered to lead the us in singing "America". He also was asked by President Slagle to lead the way to the breakfast line.

After the early morning repast, the meeting resumed at 8:37 A.M. with Ralph McDowell acknowledging the morning's greeters: Donald Hawkes and Martin Lyford. Eleven guests were introduced including wives of members.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Henry Voegtle. They were approved by voice vote upon a motion & second by Compatriots Whitelock and Pounders. Chapter Treasurer, Tom Smith, reported that 36 members were in attendance and that the Checking Account was at $871.42. He likewise noted that our Endowment Funds were now at $35,235.58 (inclusive of $27,000 in the Richie Fund).

Historian Whitelock was pleased to announce that our Poster Contest winner, Adam Warren, had also won second place and a $200 savings bond at the recent TXSSAR meeting in Houston. The historian was not so pleased to report that our "Yearbook"

had only placed fourth at State, but that he had been encouraged to forward it to the National Conference competition where the judging was more apt to reward our Chapter's activities and efforts.

Mel McCoy, Registrar, accounted for 278 Chapter members after delinquency renewal-notices (2003 dues) had expired. He explained that a number of applications were "in-the-works."

President Slagle next called forward Robert Coker to present him a special Certificate of Appreciation that had been awarded to him at the TXSSAR meeting. The new Veteran's Affairs activity Medal/Certificate was presented to Tom Whitelock and in absentia to Dr. William Barris & Dr. Gary Sisson. Additional Certificates of Appreciation were awarded (see addendum note 1) for service during the 2002 State Fair of Texas.

Outstanding Citizenship Certificates were presented to Compatriots Baker, Fawkes, Hay, McCoy and Smith. Perfect Attendance honorees (see note 2) were recognized for always being there during 2002.

The President then called upon Compatriot Ingalls to lighten-up the seriousness of the meeting with his monthly humorous story; afterwhich, former President, Dick Arnold, and current TXSSAR President, Dick Robinett, awarded each other surprise promotions to the rank of Maj General in the Texas Militia (Color Guard). In addition Mel McCoy was promoted to the rank of Captain.

President Robinett then served as official installation officer for the 2003-2004 Dallas Chapter officers (see note 3) followed by the presentation of the "Gavel & Neck Ribbon" by Cliff Slagle to incoming-President Jack Carney.

Guest speaker for the meeting was Richard Robinett who spoke on the importance of the 31 words in the "Pledge of Allegiance" and how we all need to rededicate ourselves to its purpose and meaning. He emphasized that the theme of his message was a recommitment to America, SAR & self. At the conclusion of President Robinett's talk, the Chapter Program Chairman presented him with a Liberty Bell replica.

President Carney announced that we will probably have to find a new location soon for our monthly meetings since Luby's plans to start serving breakfast to the general public on Saturday mornings. The "Doorprize Drawing" was won by Rusty Ballard.

Tom Whitelock asked permission to make one final presentation prior to the closing of the regular business meeting. He acknowledged the outstanding service and hard work performed during the previous year by Dist. 6 VP Ralph McDowell and awarded him the "Sisson Sledge hammer." The membership voiced their approval by a standing ovation.

President Carney led the SAR Closing after which Chaplain Pounders gave the Benediction invoking a prayer for a quick and peaceful resolution to the current international conflict. The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom M. Whitelock

Secretary, Dallas Chapter


Note 1. Charles Baker, Thomas Smith, James Templin, Mark Hansen, Aaron Koury, Ralph McDowell, Richard Arnold, Gary Sisson, Martin Lyford, Tom Whitelock, Robert T. Coursey, Robert Spence, Melvin McCoy, Danny Wilson, Robert Coker, Arthur Ingalls and Richard Robinett.

Note 2. Ralph McDowell, Frank Pounders, Robert Coker, E. Graham Martin Jr., William Richardson, John Morton, Tom Whitelock, Richard Arnold, Tom Smith and Charles Baker.

Note 3. Tracy Pounders/1st VP, Henry Voegtle/2nd VP, Tom Whitelock/Sec., Tom Smith/Tres., Mel McCoy/Regis., Rusty Ballard/Historian, Frank Pounders/Chaplain, and Charles Baker/Newsletter Editor.