January 11, 2003

(Reconstructed*) Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR


The meeting was called to order at or about 8:00 AM at Luby's Cafeteria (6221 E. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas) by presiding Chapter President, Cliff Slagle, who welcomed the 42 attending members and 11 guests.

Chaplain, Frank Pounders, reported that no one was on the "Sick-call" and proceded with the Invocation for the day.

Pledges of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Salute to the Texas Flag & Salute to the SAR Flag were respectively led by Compatriots: Don Hay, Jack Carney and Bob Coker. FCP Gary Sissons once again got us off on the right note for singing America, followed by the "Call to Breakfast" at the direction of Sgt.-at-Arms, Rick Fawkes.

Approximately thirty minutes later, the regular business meeting resumed with the introduction of the morning's greeters by Gary Sisson. President Slagle next invited members to acknowledge their guests which was followed by one of FCP Art Ingalls' short uplifting messages.

A motion to dispense with the reading of the previous meeting's Minutes was approved by voice vote (with the exception of the regular "nay" vote by Compatriot Richardson). Tom Smith, Treasurer, reported that the cash/checking account balance was $1,730.87, and the Smith Barney Investments contained $27,000.00 (Richie Fund) and $8,160.58 (Minuteman Fund) and it was so approved by voice vote.

Compatriot Hank Voegtle presented an interesting Americanism program.

Tom Whitelock, Historian, announced that he hoped the members had enjoyed the monthly displays of Chapter history memorabilia & records he had collected over the last year placed on the tables at the entrance and invited them to continue to contribute items for our Archives.

Registrar Mel McCoy, reported that we were now at 315 Active Members. Inducted today were Kenneth A. Meaders (Jesse Rountree, Patriot) and James R. Perkins (Thomas Bullard, Patriot).

Secretary Voegtle then introduced our Chapter's Eagle Scout of the Year: Jonathan Robert Oudin. He had earned 35 merit badges and 2 SAR medals.

Compatriot Sisson, who served as Chairman of the Nominating Committee presented the 2003-2004 slate of officer nominees to be voted on at the next meeting. They are Jack Carney-President, Tracy Pounders-1st VP, Hank Voegtle-2nd VP, Tom Whitelock-Secretary, Tom Smith-Treasuer, Mel McCoy-Registrar, Rusty Ballard-Historian and Frank Pounders-Chaplain.

1stVP Jack Carney then introduced our guest speaker for the day, Dr. Jeanne Tunks, who presented a very informative and entertaining narrative on Leadership Training in the Boy Scouts of America. She is a Professor at UNT and recipient of the coveted Silver Beaver Honor. After her presentation, she was presented the traditional Speaker's Appreciation Certificate and Liberty Bell replica.

There being no further old business nor new business to bring before the membership, the President called on Compatriot Smith to hold the "Door Prize" drawing.

Robert Spence led the attendees in the SAR Closing, and Chaplain Pounders closed the meeting with the Benediction.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom M. Whitelock
*Historian, Dallas Chapter