The regularly scheduled meeting of the Dallas Chapter of the Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution was held on Saturday, November 9, 2002, at Luby's Cafeteria, Dallas, Texas, Chapter President Cliff Slagle presiding.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 A.M. Chapter Chaplain Frank Pounders gave only the invocation, as there was no sick call. The pledge of allegiance to flag of the United States of America was led by Don Hay, the State of Texas by William Welch, and the Sons of the American Revolution by Bob Coker. Compatriot Art Ingalls led the Chapter in the singing of "America." The meeting was dismissed to breakfast at 8:05 A.M. and Compatriot Elvin Brown directed the compatriots and guests to breakfast.

At 8:35 A.M. the meeting resumed. The greeters for the meeting were introduced. Guests attending the meeting were introduced. On motion of Frank Pounders, duly seconded, passed on voice vote, reading of the minutes of the October meeting was dispensed with.

Compatriot Ingalls then provided a humorous story for the meeting. Compatriot Smith gave the treasurer's report. The Dallas Chapter has $2,608.81 in its checking account and $34,348.28 in the Chapter's SmithBarney account. Compatriot William Richardson gave the Americanism presentation. Chapter Historian Tom Whitelock gave his report and requested materials for the chapter history.

President Slagle reminded the membership that the SAR census project had been transferred from a national project to a project for State Societies and local chapters. Also, sheets for recording time spent on veterans' activities were available.

The speaker, Compatriot Art Ingalls gave a presentation on "combat Chaplains."

Following the presentation, Ralph McDowell discussed City of Dallas Veteran's Day parade. President Slagle discussed the SAR Census. The door prizes were drawn by Chapter Treasurer Tom Smith. Compatriot Bob Clark spoke about a trip he recently took to Williamsburg and Yorktown.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 A.M., following president Slagle leading the SAR closing and the benediction being given by Chaplain Pounders.

Respectfully submitted,

Henry J. Voegtle


Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR