Minutes of the July 13, 2002 Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Dallas Chapter of the Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution was held on Saturday, July 13, 2002, at Luby's Cafeteria, Dallas, Texas, Chapter President Cliff Slagle presiding.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 A.M. sharp. Chapter Chaplain Frank Pounders gave the invocation and sick call. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bert Huls, the Pledge to the Texas flag was led by Bill Welch, and Bert Huls led the Pledge to the Sons of the American Revolution flag. Immediate Past Chapter President Gary Sisson led the Chapter in the singing of "America." The meeting was then dismissed.

The meeting resumed at 8:25 A.M. Gary Sisson introduced the greeters for the meeting, Compatriots John Martin, Ralph McDowell and Bob Coker. Guests attending the meeting were introduced, including Daughters of the American Revolution and SAR wives.

Compatriot Art Ingalls offered some wise words.

On motion duly made and seconded, the reading of the minutes of the June meeting was dispensed with.

Compatriot Tom Smith gave the treasurer's report. The Dallas Chapter has $3078.53 in its checking account, $33,343.97 in savings, and $1,005.00 is to be added to the Minute Man Fund from a bequest from Compatriot Albert Welch.

Chapter Historian Tom Whitelock gave the historian's report. Then Ralph McDowell reported on the coin album project.

Registrar Mel McCoy reported that the chapter's membership stands at 309 and that 15 supplemental certificates had been presented this year.

First Vice President Jack Carney presented the Americanism presentation on the American Museum in Bath, England.

President Slagle then reported on the Sons of the American Revolution National Conference held in Nashville, Tennessee. Texas was well represented at the conference, with Rice Aston becoming the new President General, Bob Coker being elected to Board of Trustees and Judge Nathan White being named to the executive committee and to serve as scheduler for President General Aston. The Texas Society collected ten awards and remains the largest state society in SAR with 2537 members. The Dallas Chapter is larger than twenty-two state societies. Bylaw changes proposed by the Board of Trustees was defeated; however, an increase in annual dues and application fees was approved. Finally, national has announced that it will cease to issue state numbers and the Texas Society will follow suit.

Announcements were made that the East Fork of the Trinity Chapter is spearheading an effort to honor a patriot buried in Dallas County and compatriots were asked to think about volunteering to work at the State Fair. John Warterfield reminded the members of the Daughter of the American Revolution Constitution week brunch on September 21 at Brookhaven Country Club.

The speakers, Dr. and Mrs. James Johnson, were introduced by Chapter First Vice President Jack Carney. They presented a program entitled "Women Who Fought in the American Revolution and Men Who Didn't."

Two final announcements were made. First, the Dallas Chapter was requested to endorse Compatriot Roy Adams, a dual member of the Dallas Chapter, for nomination as President -Elect of the Texas Society. After motion and second, a resolution passed on a voice vote. Then Compatriot Dick Arnold presented Ralph McDowell with the rank of Captain in the Color Guard.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 A.M., following Harry Post leading the members in the SAR closing and the benediction being given by Chaplain Pounders.

Respectfully submitted,

Henry J. Voegtle
Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR