Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR, of May 11, 2002.

The regular monthly meeting of the Dallas Chapter, TXSSAR was held at Luby's Cafeteria, 6221 E. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas on Saturday, May 11,2002.

Presiding was Chapter President Cliff Slagle and the Chapter First Vice President, Jack Carney, recorded the minutes of the meeting.

The reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.

A quorum of members was present. The following proceedings were had:

At 8:00 A.M. the meeting was called to order by President Slagle. The invocation and sick call were given by Chaplain Frank Pounders. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Compatriot Charles Bowling, the Pledge to the Texas flag was led by Compatriot William Welch, and the Pledge to the S.A.R. Flag and the group sang the "America." Upon the conclusion of those events the assembled members and guests were called to breakfast by President Slagle.

The meeting resumed at 8:35 A.M. Sergeant at Arms Richard Fawkes introduced the greeters for the meeting: Richard Fawkes and William Welch, Jr.

Guests attending the meeting were then introduced, followed by Compatriot Art Ingalls giving a humorous presentation. The Treasurer's Report was given by Compatriot Tom Smith. The chapter has $ 3,532.12 in its checking account and $ 32,275.17 in its Smith Barneys account. Second Vice President Tracy Pounders recognized those members who had assisted him in presenting awards this spring. The Historian's Report was given by Compatriot Tom Whitlock and he displayed the membership certificate of one of the chapter's charter members. Compatriot John Waterfield, DAR Liaison, announced that local DAR chapter regents and guests would be recognized at the July meeting.

President Slagle introduced the speaker for the meeting, Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution President Jim Robertson. State President Robertson spoken on the state of the SAR in Texas and about the Board of Mangers meeting in Fort Worth in August.

Compatriot Art Ingalls led the meeting in the S.A.R. closing, followed by Chaplain Pounders giving the benediction.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Henry J. Voegtle
Secretary, Dallas Chapter