Minutes of the regularly slated meeting of the Dallas Chapter, Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution held on Saturday, August 11th, 2001 at Luby’s Cafeteria, 6221 E. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas.

Around or about 8:00 a.m. President Gary Sisson called the meeting to order.  The sick call was read and the invocation delivered by Chaplain Frank Pounders.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag was led by Former Chapter President and Former TXSSAR President Col. E. Graham Martin, the Pledge to the Texas flag was led by Compatriot David Hill, and the Salute to the SAR flag was led by 1st V.P. and TXSSAR Treasurer Cliff Slagle.  President Sisson led the a capella singing of the first verse of “America”.  Sergeant-at-Arms Tom Whitelock led the members and guests to the breakfast serving line. 

After breakfast the greeters, Former Chapter President and TXSSAR District 6 V.P. Ralph McDowell, Compatriot Greg Lyford and Compatriot John Morton, were recognized, and guests were introduced table-by-table by their hosts. The guest list is available from the Treasurer’s sign-in sheet.  Resident humorist, Former Chapter President Art Ingalls, delivered the joke of the day.  The minutes of the last meeting were not read, as they are posted on the Dallas Chapter web site.  Treasurer Tracy Pounders delivered the Treasurer’s report: cash on hand-$103.00, checking account-$3,337.56 and investment funds $32,831.61.  Shirley Smith of the Prudence Alexander Chapter, NSDAR and Chairman of the Dallas Area Regents Council’s Constitution Week Brunch invited the members to the event to be held at Brookhaven Country Club on September 15th.

Three new members were inducted and two perpetual memberships were presented by Registrar Don Hay.  The Americanism presentation, “The Revolution of 1774”, was given by 2nd V.P. Jack Carney.

President Sisson announced that the membership roster is now posted on the Chapter web site, and encouraged those members who speak publicly to send him information on their program(s) and a photograph to post on the new Speakers Bureau page of the web site.  1st V.P. Slagle introduced the speaker, City of Dallas archivist John Slate, who spoke on “Cemetery and Genealogical Research in City Government Records.”  Mr. Slate was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation and a Liberty Bell Replica.

Treasurer Pounders conducted a door prize drawing, and President Sisson delivered the SAR closing.  Chaplain Pounders gave the benediction, and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:45 a.m.