Minutes of the regularly slated meeting of the Dallas Chapter, Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution held on Saturday, May 12, 2001 at Lubys Cafeteria, 6221 E. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, Texas.
Around or about 8:00 A.M. 1st Vice-President Cliff Slagle, in the absence of President Gary Sisson, called the meeting to order. The sick call was read and the invocation delivered by Chaplain Frank Pounders. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States was led by Registrar Don Hay. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag was led by Former Dallas Chapter President Harry Post. The Salute to the SAR flag was led by Former TXSSAR President Graham Martin. Sergeant-at-Arms Tom Whitelock led the members and guests to the breakfast serving line.
After breakfast the greeters, TXSSAR District 6 Vice-President Ralph McDowell, Compatriot Mel McCoy and Compatriot Mark MacDonald, were recognized, and guests were introduced table-by-table by their hosts. The guest list is available from the Treasurers sign-in sheet. Resident humorist, Former Dallas Chapter President Art Ingalls, delivered the joke of the day. Treasurer Tracy Pounders delivered the Treasurers report.
2nd Vice-President Jack Carney requested members to serve as presenters for Junior ROTC awards at area high schools. A sign-up list with dates and locations was passed around. The SAR-DAR liaison, Jane Power, was recognized.
1st Vice-President Cliff Slagle introduced the program, TXSSAR President Nathan White. After his message President White was presented with a certificate and a Liberty Bell replica.
A door prize drawing was conducted by Treasurer Tracy Pounders, and the SAR closing was delivered by Former Dallas Chapter President Mark Hansen. The benediction was led by Chaplain Frank Pounders, and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:30 AM.