Sons of American Revolution Ark-La-Tex Chapter #69, Texas Sons of the American Revolution Texas Society, SAR  


Ark-La-Tex Chapter #69
March 14, 2023
Scheduled Meeting, Atlanta, Texas

Registrar Dennis Beckham swears in Cody Lynn Howard and Jimmy Hilton Howard as new members of the Ark-La-Tex Chapter and the SAR.
Registrar Dennis Beckham swears in Cody Lynn Howard and
Jimmy Hilton Howard as new members of the Ark-La-Tex
Chapter and the SAR.


Registrar Dennis Beckham welcomes our two new member.
Registrar Dennis Beckham welcomes our two new member.
Chancelor Bill Sekel swears in Compatriot Shawn Tully as Chaplain or the Ark-La-Tex Chapter.
Chancelor Bill Sekel swears in Compatriot Shawn Tully as
Chaplain or the Ark-La-Tex Chapter.


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All Rights Reserved. Limited use rights may be granted by written or electronic permission.